RE: Can We Please Finally Stop Handing Out Free SPS In Soulkeep?

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Right, the hero is another topic that's handled really badly.
On a lot of maps, she can hold the first wave completely on her own, allowing for some very different builds that you'd never be able to pull of otherwise. It sure is cool to have unique rewards for early/heavy backers, but they shouldn't be game changing in a way that having them is mandatory if you want to compete anywhere near the top...


Yeah, they always make the same mistakes making economic choices (print overpowered item to boost sales) at the cost of Fun and Gameplay as everyone who doesn't own it is screwed. The one thing these games should learn is that there needs to always be at least a game mode where everyone depending on the league, is on a level playing field. Even though I realize that it is easier said than done as Pay2win does drive sales.


I have a hero and she is a glass cannon. She hits hard at range but can only hold off more than 1 mob for a short time. Her melee damage is 1/3 her ranged damage so once 1 mob gets on her her dps drops hugely. She can die to a swarm of small mobs before she beats through them if out of range of towers. Some mobs can also solo her 1v1.

She is roughly equivalent to a Slime Trooper. The trooper has more hit points and no ranged attack but hits in melee for the same amount the hero does at range.

I think we need more other types of heroes so there isn't just the 1 and so different heroes are better on different maps.
