Growing INLEO | Lead Generation and Onboarding

Hi everyone! We're back with another update from Growing Inleo, where we're doing marketing in public and seeking live feedback from you about our current processes and upcoming ideas. This time, our focus is on lead generation and onboarding.

In this episode:

  • Exploring ways to boost dopamine for new users with perks and rewards
  • Strategies to attract and convert users from external traffic
  • Retaining new users with the value proposition of Web3
  • Addressing three main challenges: Traffic, onboarding, retention
  • Enhancing the referral system with points and rewards

Our monthly growth goal for MAU is 20%. Some months may exceed this target, while others may fall short, but that's our average. To achieve this, our developer and operations teams are working tirelessly to attract engaged users with a UI that is 99% bug-free, alongside various initiatives and rewards.

We're considering different approaches to attract new users, such as offering deals upon their initial platform entry, enhancing curation, offering premium features, and Leo delegations. This initial dopamine boost encourages users to join, after which our features and community aim to retain them, particularly through our Web3 value proposition.

We need to address three main issues, each with its own subcategories: increasing external traffic to expose more people to Inleo, simplifying and streamlining the onboarding process, and enhancing retention strategies to prevent users from losing interest once they sign up.

To incentivize our community, we've developed a referral system. Although it was introduced months ago without rewards, we're now adding incentives. Participants will earn points for leaderboard and could even receive premium time when their referrals become active and get their own premium. Importantly, this system will credit all previous referrals, not just new ones.

For more details, please watch the video and share your feedback in the comments. Let's grow together!

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Marketing is the key to growth, one thing is to market and onboard new users, another aspect is to retain them when they come because they are like new born babies that need more attention, let's keep working as a team because collaboration enhances growth.


Awesome to see you tackling the challenges and pushing things forward.
