A World Of Opportunities: If You Aren't Making Money Now, Here's What You're Doing Wrong
The world has changed. There are a lot of simultaneous shifts occurring globally right now and it's changing the nature of work, finance and lifestyle. For some, this has been an extremely positive shift. A shift toward more freedom and more money.
For others, this has been like peering through a window covered in iron bars... Watching other people live the life you want to live.
Typically, I'd write a post about Bitcoin or LEO, but today is going to focus on something much more broad. I'm sure I'll find a way to tie these two obsessions of mine into the mix as well.
A Digital Shift
A digital shift has occurred. We saw it happening well before covid, but it got ramped up to the max degree as soon as Covid came around and lockdowns took the world by storm.
When lockdowns hit, companies moved digital. People started working from home. Companies laid some employees off who couldn't work from home and suddenly, the shift to digital business happened overnight.
Some people maximized on this opportunity. They went out and they found multiple remote jobs and started working them simultaneously.
I saw a post about some girl working at Twitter who managed to also have 3 other remote jobs and she was pulling in $500k+ in salary for minimal work.
The digital shift helped some people and hurt a whole other class of people.
That shift has had lasting impacts on all industries. In-person industries are obviously back to being in-person (for the most part) but they've been hurt hard.
One major example of this for me is Chipotle. It's a quick, simple and somewhat healthy meal that I tend to eat regularly when I'm in a hurry. Chipotle has gone really far downhill in terms of food quality, service and ingredients.
Their food is often stale, they are often understaffed and have long wait times and they are always running out of ingredients... like their infamous Guac.
What's wrong here? We closed everything down. We showed people that they could stay at home and get checks from the government. We have TikTok showing people like the Twitter woman I mentioned above - working from home (barely working) and collecting half a million dollars a year for doing so.
This has added to disaster for the food industry and other low-paying, in-person jobs.
Regardless, this world is full of opportunity. I believe that if you find a way to take advantage of this digital shift, you can access this world of opportunity and completely change your life.
So whether you're working multiple digital remote jobs and making half a million a year or you're working at a local chipotle and bringing in $12 an hour, I want to talk about things that all of us can do to improve our finances and more importantly, our freedom.
A World of Opportunities
In the past 6-8 months or so, AI has completely taken the world by storm. I mean, look around. It started with ChatGPT but now there is AI in literally every software.
Photoshop integrated AI. Gitbook integrated AI.... it's everywhere. All these software companies are integrating AI just to stay relevant in the world.
Chatting with AI through something like ChatGPT is only the beginning. A new app I found allows you to upload videos and it will autonomously edit them and give you an edited full version + 30 clips ranging from YouTube Shorts to TikToks to 3-5 min Clips.
It's wild to see what AI has done in a short period of time. Video Editors are almost completely obsolete at this point. The only reason to have one will be for their human creativity.
Alternatively, perhaps a video editor can learn AI and leverage it to get more work done, be more creative, take on more clients, etc. By leveraging AI, they may be able to streamline the manual labor that used to be a part of their job and then focus more on the creative aspects of the job that AI can't perform.
Creativity is becoming more valuable as AI becomes more valuable.
How and What to Take Advantage Of
There are a lot of different opportunities out there right now. I can list some but it's impossible for me to list the right one for you.
Everyone is unique and we all have skillsets and interests. If you can align a particular skill you have with your interests and then look for digital opportunities, I believe you can find something that will change your life.
Threads and Articles on LeoFinance have a particular impact in my opinion. I believe anyone can come to LeoFinance now and earn rewards by doing something they love and then talking about it in an engaging way.
The world of Web3 offers a lot of opportunities. One could also find a lot of opportunities as a designer, marketer or freelancer of any kind here on Leo & Hive.
Additionally, using GPT has made it possible to learn coding like never before. I've been brushing up on some coding languages using GPT as a tutor.
I've also used GPT to help me spitball ideas for blog posts, marketing campaigns, twitter threads, turning my articles into twitter threads that link back to my articles on Hive / LeoFinance.
GPT is only scratching the surface. If you can dive deeper on one thing, I would tell you to dive deeper on AI. It's radically changing the workplace and I've personally seen engineers let go because 1 engineer who's smart with GPT can now do the work of 3 engineers without GPT.
Leave a Comment Below
I'd love to spitball ideas with you. If you are looking for opportunities like I've talked about in this digital landscape, I believe one of the most productive ways to find them is to actually talk about them with someone else. I'd be happy to be that person with you all in the comments.
Also feel free to post some Threads and just tag me @khaleelkazi so they show in my notification feed and I'll jump in.
There are so many opportunities, you just need to find one that aligns with your skillset and interests and then keep trying until you succeed. Perseverance is key.
About LeoFinance
LeoFinance is a blockchain-based Web3 community that builds innovative applications on the Hive, BSC, ETH and Polygon blockchains. Our flagship application: LeoFinance.io allows users and creators to engage & share micro and long-form content on the blockchain while earning cryptocurrency rewards.
Our mission is to democratize financial knowledge and access with Web3.
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Posted Using LeoFinance Alpha
Honestly, AI is storming the world, but there is one thing I don't get about people going against using of AI. I remember a time I have a problem with python libraries, I check GitHub, and other site to fix the error. A friend recommend me to ask AI maybe I can get a fast solution, to be sincere AI made it easy with steps on how to solve the problem.
The major thing there is to learn how to communicate with AI effectively.
This 3/part post will explain why we need to be very careful with use of so called AI Why is the ‘Artificial Inteligence’ in THE WAR line of posts? Because even the term itself is weaponized! https://peakd.com/hive-122315/@lighteye/the-war-debunking-ai-chess-intro-part-i-of-iii-engsrp-rat-demistifikacija-vi-shahovski-uvod-deo-i-od-iii
Gooday Khaleel. Thanks for this opportunity.
There's a project i am involved with which i would like to spitball about with you. We swapped a comment a couple of years ago about it.
The project is one which i believe has good potential for facilitating effective solutions for many local and world issues, for any large (100+) organisation / community. It, #TheMatrix8Solution, could be used for a football club, a multi-national corporation, a parents group, the #LeoFinance #Community, a #FeedTheWorld Cause Group and many thousands more use cases.
#Matrix8 is #FOSS, #Decentralised, using a particular concentrated consensus/voting mechanism in which real people (one person one account) anonymously take part in governance (of whatever part(s) of the community is deemed suitable for community governance).
Within the system, members accumulate a #TrustedReputation score which could affect voting power, m2m(member to member) transactions, ability to be rewarded with utility tokens, and much more.
What is needed to get this #evolutionary system off the ground is enough people to test the system (maybe 100 is enough) and a few (maybe 10) to help with administration. i ask you Khaleel to please examine Matrix-8 and help bring this gift to humanity into being. Perhaps it could be used as a test for further refinement of the leo.voter voting "algorythm" which i read your post about this week. Just an idea.
This https://peakd.com/hive-153630/@atma.love/how-to-re-solve-most is a recent post i made with further links within to get a basic knowledge of how it works. But it's not fully refined yet and not everything is writren. i'll mention you in some comment threads where i think it may be helpful.
i look forward to spitballing with you.
Sat Nam
World is changing and we must to change with it in order to grab opportunities and open up our mind to new possibilities. A new world is just starting...
What do you think is the best way for people from 3rd world countries to make money online today?
Very well drafted and inspiring article. Yes the opportunities todays world provides are extensive.
There is no better time than NOW. Financial literacy should have more dimensions to aware people about immense possibilities in making money.
Keep writing :)
As a ?developer? , or otherwise, this may be of interest to you: https://ecency.com/hive-167922/@khaleelkazi/a-world-of-opportunities-if-you-arent-making-money-now-heres-what-youre-doing-wrong#@atma.love/re-khaleelkazi-2023624t192612518z
Sat Nam
You've really said it all, we live in a world now where there seems to be more opportunities in making money and we really need to grab that.
The advancement of AI will impact nearly all classes of society except the wealthiest class. Businesses that move towards automation, whether it be for fast food or mass production of factory goods. Middle class jobs and contract work such as trucking, welding hell maybe even carpentry will be automated. To put it bluntly this impact is obvious of course. It's going change the value of monetary currency. Work will literally be changed being productive in society will fall and many people will become purposeless. Unless you could find some sort of way that work is still needed in society which I don't see happening with the advancement of AI continuously and exponentially increasing. How would society view productivity would they put more focus on the individual human goals and what would currency look like how would it be made? These are the things I am worried about AI will change the very structure of society
The problem for me is there's so much out there in the AI space I don't know where to start. I've played around with chatGPT a bit and watched loads of videos on other software but have yet to find a place to start.
Well said khal it's on up to us that if we avail the opportunities and achieve or not . We just need to one available opportunity and give our best to it to get surprising results. We should remain trying and improving until we get success.
Yeah. I tried to use ChatGPT, asking any questions that come to my mind and it amazes me. It answers all of my questions. And it's fast. No doubt that businesses and people in the digital world use it to make their work easier.
What app are you using when it comes to video editing connected to AI?
Amazing information 🎉may world more advanced and advanced
The digital age has democratized making making money and building the life you want. Anyone can do it if they are willing to discover their talents/interest/passions and learn how to monetize it within a global audience. AI is speeding up the transition to a considerable degree that it sometimes amazes me about how everything will be integrated with AI in the coming years. Massive opportunities ahead.
We need to become more creative. The repetitive work is over now is the era of true problem solving...
The "excuses" about not knowing how to make money are increasingly scarce.
Amazing blog @khaleelkazi
Check out my new travel community Wanderlust Explorers.
It would be a great help for me if you subscribe to my community.
Hi Khal,
I would like to take you up onyourofferto spitball a business idea.
I am considering a new project:
Goal is to provide investment opportunity on DeFi but allow people to keep control of their assets with their private key.
The investor would buy a token for one hbd.
This HBD would be bridged to a DeFi platform and invested.
All earnings would be reinvested in the pool, so each month the value of each token which is backed by the value of the pool would grow.
The token would be for sale on Hive-Engine or comparable DEX.
The token minter would sell all original tokens for one HBD.
After the first month I would now offer to buy back these tokens at their new value based on all Pool earnings being reinvested, example 1.1 HBD. I would essentially create a buy wall at 1.1 HBD so any investor who wants to cash out would be able to at their discretion.
Then each month the pool earnings would be reinvested in the pool, growing the value of the pool token to 1.2 HBD, 1.3 HBD, and so on each month. And each month investors could hodl or cash out without my permission.
The pool wallet address would be published each month so investors can confirm the backing for the new token is there and they can sell anytime they want.
The pool would be a stablecoin pool to protect the value of the investment capitol against market volatility and impermanent loss.
That is my brief project summary, and I am curious what you think are the good points and what you think are the bad points of this project.
Thank you.