My Journey Towards Neoxian Whale Status


neoxian whale status.jpg

I was going through my feed about three months ago when I saw a post by @holger80 that was describing the “fishy” (Plankton, Minnow, Dolphin, Orca and Whale) classification of members in the various tribes we have on Steem-Engine. It really got me thinking, since I can’t become a whale on Steem obviously because of the amount of money that I’ll need to invest to get to the status of Steem Whale maybe I could become a whale in other tribe(s) where I can greatly influence the community positively and contribute to its growth.

Due to work pressure and other stuff I kinda forgot about it and moved on but it was still there somewhere in my memory bank. Two months ago the same post came up with the current status and I this time took a decision that I was going to do a research on which tribe I think is the best for me at this time and the jump in and start buying their token, however, the HF21 made me chill on that axis because I needed to grow my Steem to take advantages of what the changes offered.

The current “fishy” classification of the amount of staked tokens that is required to be in any category was out last month and you can see it in the link below:

Yes it has taken me some time to take a decision final decision on which tribe I should target becoming a whale on but I think the time was worth it. I came to the decision that it is not going to be on one tribe that I target becoming a whale on but on multiple tribes that I feel strongly about and where I feel I post regularly using their tags.

My First Target – NEOXIAN (NEOXAG)

Buying Neoxag

The first tribe I target becoming a whale on is the Neoxian Tribe with token Neoxag and you can see from my engine wallet displaying my trades that I bought some chunk yesterday. You might want to ask why? But I have been following @neoxian’s the Neoxian bank post even before anything like tribe existed on the Steem Blockchain and he has built a good reputation for himself because I have been reading posts of users that took loans to solve one problem or the other and how they were able to repay the loan and even take another loan.

I saw the passion with which he has been helping members of the community even with less bureaucratic brick walls when taking loans than that offered by the normal regular banks. I noticed that even when some members try to be funny or dubious and default on the loans, he has remained steadfast in providing members with good loan terms and investment opportunities.

Number of Staked Accounts


The Neoxian city has been offering great value to members of its community. After Palcoin, Neoxag is the most staked token with 3059 accounts based on the last publication in the link above by @holger80 as seen in the image above.

Current Price

The Neoxag token is currently going at a great discount based on the price it was selling at the time the publication was done. 24 days ago it was quoted at a price of 0.03409999 Steem but I was able to buy almost 6000 tokens at a price range of between 0.0239 to 0.0244 Steem which is more than 30% discount.

Weekly Neoxian City Newspaper Curation

There is a weekly Neoxian City Newspaper Curation where their curators search through their website to identify and highlight posts they find worthy to curate. This is a big bonus for members who post good content and are highlighted because they are rewarded with the upvote received from the @neoxian account.

TIP Neoxag to Your Friends

Another advantage of having the Neoxag token is that you can use it to tip other members of the Steem blockchain at large by calling upon the neoxag-tip bot to send tokens to the Steemian users you want to tip. The tip helps to promote the tribe in the community as it brings users who receive it to the tribe.

Very Vibrant Discord Community – New City of Neoxian

There is a very vibrant “New City of Neoxian” discord community where members go to engage and chat with other members. There are contests, games and a whole lot of activities going on in there. It is a very informative community to belong to.

Over 6000 Neoxag staked

I can go on and on but I guess many of you already know this. I am current an Orca based on the classification because I have over 6000 Neoxag tokens that I have staked. I hope I can hit the Whale status before the price goes up as I see it is already rising when I check it this morning.

Note: This is not a financial advice, it is just my personal goal of achieving a whale status on Neaxian. Please do your own research and consult your accountant, lawyer or mother/wife as the case may be before taking your investment decisions. Lol

Thanks for reading, please keep your comments coming I love them and will respond as soon as I can. You can follow me if you haven’t already so that you’ll be seeing my post in your feed. I love your support always.


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Neoxian is a community that is very interesting. I have not delved into too much although I am not selling any of the tokens I receive. I believe I am up to 5,000 tokes myself.

With all the tribes, it is tough to keep up.


Wow! 5k is massive. Yeah you're right, it is getting tougher to keep up with all the tribes. Thanks for dropping by.

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