Ladies of Hive Community Contest #185 (Esp/Eng)
Mucho gusto niñas, estoy de vuelta una vez mas y espero que mis pensamientos sean de ayuda.
Esta es mi participación en el concurso organizado por @ladiesofhive.
Nice to meet you kids, I'm back once again and I hope my thoughts are helpful.
This is my participation in the contest organized by @ladiesofhive.
Cuando era niña y joven solo disfrutaba, era una niña tranquila pero siempre decía dentro de mi que los padres son muy restrictivos y que no nos dejan ser lo que queremos. Ahora que soy madre, puedo valorar mas lo que mi madre hizo por mi y yo tengo muchas madres. Las madres somos luchadoras y merecemos el reconocimiento, soy una madre primeriza y con mi niña he experimentado desvelos, preocupación cuando esta enfermita, cuando la escucho toser me preocupo y cuando no se que hacer enseguida llamo a mi mama para que me guie, para que me ayude a ir al medico, para que me enseñe cosas que desconozco. Es un aprendizaje constante y tener que levantarte por tu hija es algo que antes desconocía, antes solo me preocupaba por mi y ahora mi vida es mi Sofia. Por lo que concuerdo en que las madres merecen mas que un solo día al año, nosotros como madres e hijas, debemos reconocer los grandes sacrificios que hacen nuestras madres por nosotras.
Yo no soy perfecta y estoy aprendiendo a ser madre, pero prometo que cada día lo haré mejor a pesar de los tropiezos que salgan en le camino.
When I was a child and young person I just enjoyed it, I was a quiet girl but I always said within myself that parents are very restrictive and that they don't let us be what we want. Now that I am a mother, I can value more what my mother did for me and I have many mothers. Mothers are fighters and we deserve recognition, I am a new mother and with my daughter I have experienced sleeplessness, worry when she is sick, when I hear her cough I worry and when I don't know what to do I immediately call my mother to guide me, so that Help me go to the doctor, so he can teach me things I don't know. It is a constant learning process and having to stand up for your daughter is something that I did not know before, before I only worried about myself and now my life is my Sofia. So I agree that mothers deserve more than just one day a year, we as mothers and daughters must recognize the great sacrifices our mothers make for us.
I am not perfect and I am learning to be a mother, but I promise that I will do better every day despite the setbacks that come my way.
En nuestra familia no hay una tradición como tal, pero si hay una forma de celebrar las fiestas personales, como los cumpleaños, día del padre, del niño y obviamente el día de la madre. Y es que todos los miembros de la casa, agarramos cucharas, cucharones, tapas y ollas para hacer ruido y juntos nos acercamos a la persona homenajea y comenzamos a cantarle haciendo mucho ruido, usualmente lo hacemos a la media noche cuando esta persona esta en cama o dormida. Es una tradición que adoro, me gusta cuando cumplo años o es día de la madre, siempre nos reciben así y es algo que quiero mantener con mi propia familia.
In our family there is no tradition as such, but there is a way to celebrate personal holidays, such as birthdays, Father's Day, Children's Day and obviously Mother's Day. And all the members of the house grab spoons, ladles, lids and pots to make noise and together we approach the person being honored and begin to sing making a lot of noise. We usually do it at midnight when this person is in bed. or asleep. It is a tradition that I adore, I like it when I have a birthday or it is Mother's Day, they always receive us like this and it is something that I want to maintain with my own family.
Mothers need to be celebrated every day.
I enjoyed going through your tradition of celebrating something. It sounds really interesting and it's something I would love to try
you should try it, it's very fun and special
I will give it a try then.
Hi @kerlymera I agree with you, after we become mothers we value our mother much more, just as you describe: "I am not perfect and I am learning to be a mother", the family tradition they use is very touching, what better way than singing and noise to celebrate those special holidays, thanks for sharing, a hug.
thanks a lot dear
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What a fun tradition!