Cryptobrewmaster Rewards of the Week 3 / Recompensas de la Semana en Cryptobrewmaster 3 [EN/ES]


Hello friends, this week has been excellent in the beer drinker event, 9 place means 20 ash, which are very good I will gather them until I see what use I give them, and excellent prizes, 2 row barley malt master type is incredible, really at this moment I do not know what value has each ingredient, because there are ingredients that really do not know how much they are worth and I do not know how often they buy them, but I do not worry I will keep most of the ingredients.

Hola amigos, esta semana ha sido excelente en el evento beer drinker, 9 lugar significa 20 ash, que son muy buenas las reunire hasta ver que uso les doy, y excelentes premios, 2 row barley malt tipo master es increible, realmente en este momento no se que valor tiene cada ingrediente, porque hay ingredientes que realmente no se cuanto valen y no se cada cuanto tiempo los compran, pero no me preocupo guardare la mayoria de los ingredientes.



In the resource producer event I am in the ranking 10 I won several ingredients that are well I will keep them for the moment and I also won 10 ash, it's amazing to be getting ash in the process.

En el evento resource producer estoy en el ranking 10 gane varios ingredientes que estan bien los guardare por el momento y ademas gane 10 ash, es increible ir obteniendo ash en el proceso.



I was lucky because I was able to sell 40 local aroma hops neutral at 7 cbm each, I still don't know why they buy that ingredient at that price, I don't understand it yet, but in the meantime I will keep selling this ingredient as much as I can.

Tuve suerte porque pude vender 40 local aroma hops neutral en 7 cbm cada uno, no se aun porque compran ese ingrediente en ese precio, no lo entiendo aun, pero mientras me quedare vendiendo este ingrediente todo lo que pueda.


By the way, I am currently selling my brewing water neutral at 1 cbm each so I can start raising the cbm and it is working just like the local aroma hops neutral I was selling it at 8 cbm and now I am selling it at 7 cbm I always test the market if I see that, they buy my ingredients fast at that price, well I sell them.

Por cierto, actualmente estoy vendiendo mis brewing water neutral en 1 cbm cada uno para poder empezar a subir el cbm y esta funcionando igual que el local aroma hops neutral lo vendia en 8 cbm y ahora lo estoy vendiendo en 7 cbm siempre pruebo el mercado si veo que, compran rapido mis ingredientes en ese precio, pues los vendo.


Translated with!


0.612 NEOXAG