Cryptobrewmaster Rewards of the Week 2 / Recompensas de la Semana en Cryptobrewmaster 2 [EN/ES]


Hello friends, this is already being constant by more small or large that is every week I win some ingredients for the event of production of resources and the event of drinking beer and is that to stay in this game is essential to do the 2 things however sometimes you can go well other times, not so much, I currently have about 700 cbm, the good news is that I have been able to go buying some updates I know that still missing, for example when I have more than 100 of some ingredient I will start to make discounts, as far as possible even though it is difficult to know exactly the value of a specific ingredient, or although I feel that if I give discount, it may no longer be profitable to make daily quest, for me with respect to energy vs price cbm.

Hola amigos, esto ya va siendo constante por mas pequeña o grande que sea todas las semanas gano algunos ingredientes por el evento de producción de recursos y por el evento de beber cerveza y es que para mantenerse en este juego es fundamental hacer las 2 cosas sin embargo a veces te puede ir bien otras veces, ni tanto, actualmente tengo aproximadamente 700 cbm, la buena noticia es que he podido ir comprando algunas actualizaciones se que aun falta, pero voy mejorando, la cuestion es que siento que sigo generando ingredientes que cuestan vender, por ejemplo cuando tenga mas de 100 de algun ingrediente empezare a hacer descuentos, en la medida posible aun que es dificil saber con exactitud el valor de un ingrediente en especifico, o aunque siento que si doy descuento, puede que ya no sea rentable hacer daily quest, para mi con respecto a energia vs precio cbm.

Now, in the "resource producer" event I got rewards valued at approximately 70 cbm, I was in the 11th place of the ranking so I didn't get ash, for the next one we will get it.

Ahora, en el evento "resource producer" obtuve recompensas valoradas aproximadamente en 70 cbm, quede en el lugar 11 del ranking asi que no obtuve ash, para la proxima lo conseguiremos.



In the "Beer Drinker" event I was in 11th place in the ranking, it was my mistake I fell asleep on Saturday and lost the advance I had quickly dropped from 9th place in the ranking to 11th place in the ranking, however next week I am sure to win some ash, we won some ingredients 20 cbm approximately.

En el evento de "Beer Drinker" quede en el lugar 11 del ranking, fue error mio me quede dormido el sabado y perdi el avance que tenia rapidamente baje de lugar del 9 del ranking al 11 del ranking, sin embargo la proxima semana estoy seguro de ganar algunos ash, ganamos algunos ingredientes 20 cbm aproximadamente.



Translated with!


0.478 NEOXAG


its good to see you here. is it hard to play cryptobrewmaster? I want to play but still dont know where to start .

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0.003 NEOXAG

it is not difficult, because there are ingredients like water that you have to be every 30 minutes clicking but there are also ingredients that are only every 2 hours that you have to click, or do the daily quest, I am profitable but I earn about 100 cbm a week, there are ingredients that I find it difficult to sell at the right price.

0.000 NEOXAG

i have try to play it but still dont get any idea how to play :p. I try to play if anything i ask u :).

0.000 NEOXAG