Mended Hearts I [Fiction]


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Her lips curled in disdain, her eyes brimming with malice.

“Your love for things of this world's gonna be your end, you be lookin' at me like I'm old and all. Times is hard and tough out there. Leave ‘em flashy things be and grind hard!”

I sighed in regret as my mama's last words to me flooded my thoughts. Those words drove a knife through my heart on the night I packed a small bag containing my few belongings and ran away from home many years ago.

My wine glass almost slipped out of my hand as my vision turned blurry. I gulped down the remaining wine in my glass and emptied the rest from the bottle into it. A bottle or two of Chardonnay every night was my comfort during my pity parties. There was no one around to see me inebriated anyway, so what did it matter?

I wasn't born to ‘grind hard' like my mama. She grew up in a tough town where almost everyone worked their fingers to the bone to survive. The few rich ones lord over them, ruling the town.

I was born into that insufferable indigence but quickly became allergic to it. My palms were soft and didn't deserve to be calloused like hers. A glance at my well-manicured hands revealed the chipped parts of my nail polish, so I sent my nail technician a text.

My eyes strayed to the portrait of me, Lucas and our baby girl, Alicia, on the wall leading to the bedrooms upstairs. My heart lurched in pain and tears slipped down my cheeks. I sniffed and angrily wiped them.

“You're a queen, Flora, and deserve better than this town. Come with me to the city,” Lucas whispered to me in his bed when I'd just turned eighteen. His tanned skin and masculine features drew me to him. He was an upcoming rapper and his manager assured him of better opportunities in Easelfalls. His music career would gain better traction.

I was in love with Lucas and he intensified the attraction with expensive gifts, making other girls green with envy. He was the epitome of the luxurious lifestyle I'd always fantasised about. Lucas and Easelfalls city welcomed me with open arms and truly, I lived like a queen—for about five years before my world came crashing down.

Lucas aka daGrail became a household name in Easelfalls. I had a baby girl with him and then our relationship began to suffer. Being a young mother was a nightmare for me while Lucas gallivanted around the country on tours, promoting his successful music.

Every media outlet bombarded me with pictures of Lucas and beautiful women strapped to both his arms. We argued on the phone and fought every time he came home.

After a while, he stopped coming home. Then the financial support dwindled until I took him to court and got more than I expected. My baby, Alicia was eight years old, oblivious to her unloving parents.

I would look at this young girl, a spitting image of her handsome father, and wonder how I became blessed with such a calm soul. In the midst of the raucous fights of her two immature and selfish parents, she was the better version of us put together.


Image: RDNE Stock project from pexels


Intriguing from the get fo. Masterfully done. !LUV !PIMP


Thanks so much. I'm glad you found this story intriguing. 🙂


This one hits home with me as I know the struggle of being a full time single parent with limited resources! A great piece, hope to see it continued and learn more about Alicia <3

A minor detail that struck me- she is drinking red wine, but then talks about a bottle or two of chardonnay which is a white wine! The discrepancy threw me for a second but the narrative drew me right back into the story. Consistency in those kinds of details helps make sure readers stay immersed throughout the whole piece.

Looking forward to the next one!



You do have a sharp eye! 😄 Thanks for pointing out that minor detail. I changed the drink at the last minute and missed that part. I'll edit it now.

Thanks so much for your comment on this piece. The protagonist struggles in her search for fulfilment while dealing with the consequences of her choice. Perhaps her daughter, Alicia, may help her find the happiness she seeks in the concluding part! 🙂


It's these kinds of feedback that I am always hoping for with my own writing. That's the stuff I always overlook when I'm writing but catch when I'm reading 😂



A Lovely read kemmy...

Emotions felt... Everything masterfully crafted...


Thanks so much for the compliment and visit.


A new story you bring us, I really liked the plot. A dysfunctional couple who ended their relationship and a beautiful girl who was the product of that failed union, it will be interesting to see where this goes the development of this plot.

Thanks for sharing your story.
Happy weekend.


A dysfunctional couple indeed. Ironically they are blessed with a kind daughter. Perhaps she'll change her mother. The concluding part is posted now. Thanks so much for your visit.
