Mi Entrada al Concurso TopFiveFamily Observar Piensa Escribe | | La Abuela y sus relatos... Spa/Eng
Hola Hivers.
Me complace enormemente presentar mi entrada al Concurso Observa Piensa Escribe de esta bonita Comunidad @topfivefamily
Tengo varias semanas sin participar, aunque he estado atenta a la temática cada semana, el tiempo no ha sido mi mejor aliado a la hora de escribir.
A quienes deseen participar, acá les dejo el link.
Esta semana, Observé la fotografía y vaya que pensé ¿Que tengo que escribir al respecto?
Al principio me pareció un tema ajeno a mí, pero de repente, en un momento cualquiera vino a mi mente aquellos ancianos que he conocido con Alzheimer o amigos que han tenido abuelos con esta enfermedad, así que sentí la necesidad de dedicarles un Post a manera de reconocimiento por sobrellevar esta díficil condición ya en la última estación de este tren llamado vida.
Eh aquí mi participación:
La Abuela y sus relatos
Rocío es una hermosa mujer de cabello ensortijado y desteñido por el tiempo.
Cada mañana se levanta feliz a mirar por la ventana a los pajaritos que llegan a las matas de trinitarias, hermosas avecitas amarillas y otras verdes, las ve en silencio y piensa que son tan pequeñas y afortunadas por volar libremente a donde quieran.
Van y vienen, saben el camino de regreso.
Le hacen recordar a su padre, él les daba de comer trocitos de cambur, hace tantos días que no lo ve y solo pensarlo la entristece.
A lo lejos escucha risas de niños y al llegar hasta el patio de la casa, se acercan todos a abrazarla, la llaman abuela, pero ella no los reconoce. ¿Quiénes son estos niños que tanto la aman? ¿Dónde está su abuela Anastasia?
A Rocío le gustaba sentarse a mirar a su abuela en la cocina, detallaba cada movimiento, cuando hacía las arepas, los buñuelos, los bollitos rellenos que tanto le gustaban, las hallacas en navidad y como le daba forma a las conservitas de leche tan ricas que preparaba para todos los nietos, ellas dos siempre comían más dulces, su abuela la consentía y ella le tomaba las manos y las besaba dulcemente.
Por eso, cada vez que recuerda a su abuela Anastasia mira sus manos, verlas tan parecidas a las de ella le hace sentir que estan justas. Ha pedido tantas veces a su hija Adela que la lleve a verla, pero no le hace caso, solo dice mañana iremos.
En las tardes se sienta en el patio a mirar a los niños, ¡son tan raros esos juegos! Recordó a sus hermanos Rodrigo, Esteban y Esmeralda, le hizo reír a carcajadas aquella vez que se fueron a bañar al río a escondidas, la pasaron tan bien, llegaron tan enrojecidos por el sol que su mamá los castigó por una semana.
Le gusta contar historias de la gente de antes, como ella las llama y también cuentos de Tío Conejo y Tío Tigre, los niños se entretienen escuchándola aunque los haya contado muchas veces.
Adela siempre está ahí, pendiente de las vitaminas y medicinas, si tiene hambre le ofrece frutas, aunque Rocío se molesta, dice que no ha comido en todo el día, no recuerda que acaba de almorzar o cenar. Su hija cambia la conversación, le coloca música, le pide que bailen y vuelven a sonreír.
Hay días en los que está callada, su andar pausado y sus ojos nublados parecen reclamar a su memoria por ese espacio vacío en el tiempo, esa pausa en su vida que no logra comprender.
Mientras que otros días está feliz, sonriente cantando, incluso lee ese libro de poesías ya desgastado por las caricias de sus manos suaves que persiguen las palabras para viajar lejos, muy lejos, a otros mundos y a otros tiempos.
Ella es así, impredecible, difícil de sobrellevar, pero es Rocío, la dulce, amable y encantadora abuela de todos los que se sientan a escuchar sus historias, chistes y cuentos de la gente de antes.
Agradezco a todos los que llegaron al final del relato.
Gracias a @TopFiveFamily Concurso Observa Piensa Escribe por mantenernos activos, así nuestras neuronas hacen sinapsis y tenemos menores posibilidades de sufrir Alzheimer.
Un placer compartir con todos.
Recibe mi abrazo en la distancia.
English Version
Hello Hivers.
I am very pleased to present my entry to the Observa Piensa Escribe Contest of this beautiful Community @topfivefamily.
I have several weeks without participating, although I have been attentive to the theme each week, time has not been my best ally when it comes to writing.
For those who wish to participate, here is the link.
This week, I noticed the picture and boy, did I think what should I write about it? At first it seemed like a foreign topic to me, but suddenly, in a random moment came to my mind those elderly people I have met with Alzheimer's or friends who have had grandparents with this disease, so I felt the need to dedicate a Post to them by way of recognition for coping with this difficult condition already in the last station of this train called life.
Here is my participation:
Grandmother and her stories
Rocio is a beautiful woman with kinky hair, faded by time.
Every morning she gets up happily to look out the window and watch the little birds that come to the trinitaria bushes, beautiful little yellow and green birds, she sees them in silence and thinks that they are so small and lucky to be able to fly freely wherever they want.
They come and go, they know the way back.
They remind her of her father, he used to feed them little pieces of cambur, it has been so many days since she last saw him and just thinking about it makes her sad.
In the distance she hears children's laughter and when she reaches the courtyard of the house, they all come to hug her, they call her grandmother, but she does not know them. Who are these children who love her so much? Where is her grandmother Anastasia?
Rocio liked to sit and watch her grandmother in the kitchen, she would detail every movement, when she made the arepas, the fritters, the stuffed dumplings that she loved so much, the hallacas at Christmas and how she shaped the delicious milk preserves that she prepared for all the grandchildren, the two of them always ate more sweets, her grandmother spoiled her and she would take her hands and kiss them sweetly.
That's why every time she remembers her grandmother Anastasia looks at her hands, seeing them so similar to hers makes her feel that they are just right. She has asked her daughter Adela so many times to take her to see her, but she doesn't listen to her, she only says tomorrow we will go.
In the afternoons she sits in the yard watching the children, those games are so strange! She remembered her siblings Rodrigo, Esteban and Esmeralda, it made her laugh out loud that time they went swimming in the river on the sly, they had such a good time, they arrived so reddened by the sun that their mother punished them for a week.
She likes to tell stories of the people of yesteryear, as she calls them, and also stories of Uncle Rabbit and Uncle Tiger, the children are entertained listening to her even though she has told them many times.
Adela is always there, pending vitamins and medicines, if she is hungry she offers her fruits, although Rocío gets upset, she says she hasn't eaten all day, she doesn't remember that she just had lunch or dinner. Her daughter changes the conversation, plays music for her, asks her to dance and they smile again.
There are days when she is silent, her slow walk and her cloudy eyes seem to claim her memory for that empty space in time, that pause in her life that she cannot understand.
While other days she is happy, smiling, singing, even reading that book of poems already worn out by the caresses of her soft hands that chase the words to travel far, far away, to other worlds and other times.
She is like that, unpredictable, difficult to cope with, but she is Rocío, the sweet, kind and charming grandmother of all those who sit to listen to her stories, jokes and tales of the people of yesteryear.
I thank everyone who made it to the end of the story.
Thanks to @TopFiveFamily Contest Watch Think Write for keeping us active, so our neurons synapse and we are less likely to suffer from Alzheimer's.
A pleasure to share with everyone.
Receive my hug in the distance.