A Walk into Tomorrow


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“Hello, beautiful. We meet again today. I'm Anu. Do you want to be friends?” Anu moved close enough to touch the wolve’s furs this time. It had been weeks of playing hide and seek with the little pup in the forest. She looked into her yellow eyes and she could almost tell that she liked her too.

“Stay away from her this minute!” Runa’s thunderous voice struck Anu like lightning. The little girl Jolted and the pup dashed into the forest.

“Let's go.” Runa grabbed Anu’s arm with anger in her eyes.

“No mother. Stop! Why can't I have a wolf if I am going to be Idigo like you someday? Every Idigo has one. You had one too. What happened? Why do you hate them so much? Anu raised her voice and yanked her arm from her mother's grip. She began searching her eyes.

Runa’s gaze softened as she averted her eyes. “I will tell you what happened years ago.” she exhaled.

“When I was just about your age, a grave calamity befell the land which sent all the clans of the kingdom in disarray. Someone had angered the gods. They set foot in the golden waters without permission. You know it is taboo to go near the river. The gods were so bitter that strange things began happening and would not stop until we appeased them. I had a loyal gray wolf named Voya. She was my best friend and we did everything together.” Runa led her daughter out of the forest as she recounted her memories.

“Hurry Voya. They are headed to the cave.” My feet landed in a heap of clouds that had fallen from the sky just before the sun set below the horizon earlier that evening. Suddenly, a piece of star fell from the sky. As I ducked, it landed softly on the ground before diminishing into the dust.

Those were the first signs of calamity before the sun refused to rise. It had been over twenty-four hours of darkness and still no sign of daylight. Fear loomed over the kingdom and the Idigo of all seven clans gathered for a conclave. If they were going to lead the Kingdom, they needed to come up with a solution to the imminent danger.

“The gods have never been this angry.” I heard my father's voice through the dimly lit cave. A torch revealed the worry-creased faces seated on rocks.

“But who could have committed this abomination?” Another voice echoed.

“We do not have the time to ponder that. I summoned the gods. The only way out is for the Kingdom to appease the gods with morning dew.” My father retorted. “That's the only way order will be restored.

I glanced back at Voya. “Morning dew? How do we get it if it only comes in the mornings? What if tomorrow never comes?” The sun isn't rising.”

“Then we'll go to tomorrow,” Voya said. “I know how. You can do it. You have the power of an Idigo in you. Close your eyes. Dive deep and find the way. Time is infinite and exists in the same plane. We only see our reality.”

‘Every Idigo has the power to communicate with the gods and the world within. We have been gifted the power to lead each clan in the kingdom. Each Idigo line has a wolf. They speak to them and share a sacred bond. The history of the wolves transcends time. Legend has it that they are creatures of the future that were sent back in time to protect every step mankind takes.’ Runa glanced at her daughter who was listening intently before she continued.

I hesitated. Then I did just as Voya instructed. Suddenly, my eyes turned and I felt my blood rush. I began to mutter words I didn't understand but Voya did. Then my eyes opened.

“Let's go!” Voya prodded. “You've found it.”

I followed Voya’s lead as we headed to the edge of the forest. The darkness loomed there and the air was stiff. A wave of bright light appeared and Voya stepped in.

“Wait. What if we are wrong? What if we never return?” I stopped Voya.

“What if we are right? What if we get the morning dew and save the entire Kingdom? You'd be celebrated and your father would be proud.”

I swallowed hard and followed Voya into the light. The light was blinding and I felt it wash over me. The feeling was surreal. White dust rained on us until we entered a clearing covered with white sand. I quivered. In the middle was a river with clear water. The sun shone so bright in the sky. A droplet fell on my face. I stretched out my arm and another drop lined my palm.

“I think we are here.” Voya wagged her tail. She always did that when she was filled with excitement.

“How do you know that?” I asked.

“Look into the river Runa.”

I peered. What I saw made me stagger. I could see Voya and I walking through the illuminated path we came from a while back.

“You want to be sure? pour some sand into the water.” Voya instructed.

As I sprinkled sand into the water. I saw as it rained on us and I quivered exactly as I did earlier. “How is that possible?”

“I told you. Time is infinite and exists in the same plane. We only see our reality.”

Soon, We saw a pack of wolves on the other side of the river. They had gray fur like Voya. Voya appeared elated.

“It is true. I come from the future.” Voya attempted to cross the river. She lifted one of her forelegs and the river reflected her paws. I was stunned and I held my mouth in disbelief. Voya’s paws had golden imprints on them.

“Voya you? You set your feet in the golden water. Why?” I was disgusted.

Voya’s yellow eyes dimmed. “I’m sorry Runa. I just wanted to see the future. If my kind dwelled here or not, I needed to know.”

“But this is the immediate future Voya. What if something bad happened to the Kingdom just because of your curiosity?” I was raging and I couldn't stand to look at Voya. “Just stay away from me. You are no good.” I quickly gathered some more dew and dashed back through the light.

I'm sorry Runa. I am with child.” She yelled.

I wanted to take one last look at her but I couldn't. That was the last time I ever saw her. We appeased the gods and the kingdom was saved.

I miss her so much on some days.” Runa admitted. Her eyes were wet. She looked away avoiding her daughter’s gaze.

“What about forgiveness, mother? You always say not to hold on to pain for too long and here you are.” Anu held her mother’s arm.

Runa finally looked at her daughter. She was proud of the decent little girl she had raised. She nodded.

Suddenly, the little pup crept from behind a tree. It had been following them all this time. Anu ran toward it and Runa followed. She could see that it had the same yellow eyes just like Voya and she felt her presence.

“Can she come home with us?” Anu pleaded.

Runa smiled. Perhaps Voya was near and one day, she would return home too.


A story full of fantasy, I really liked the plot of the story and how the woman and the wolf saved the world. It is a shame that they have separated, but you renew hope with the little puppy.

Thanks for sharing your story.
Good day.


I felt like I joined in the journey to tomorrow. Nicely written, hopefully in the near future, Voya will be sent back 🙂


A sweet and enchanting story. I'm glad that courious little Anu was able to ease her mother's hard lines.
