Stressed out
So stressed today.
though Christmas is an enjoyable period but the stress behind it is very much..
Occasion everywhere coupled with to much visitors at home ..
Since morning today I have being standing and stressed out with work and services to people.
There is this ceremony abiriba people use to do which is called ime uche or retirement, this is w very big occasion in abiriba land and they use to spend a lot of money for it and at the end the person celebrating it will still get his or her money back through the gifts that will be presented to him or her that day .
This retirement occasion is a very big one that some use to receive a very valuable gift like cars and many other things ...
So since today i have being in my friends house who called me to come and help him in preparation and entertaining of people today.
Since yesterday we have being busy with works, i am just returning home this night being very very stressed out...
Thanks for stopping and reading.
I also did my daily cleaning activity with my pictures bellow:
Special mention