Why Are Some Gen Zers Turning Down Jobs?




I usually talk about music but that's not all I pay attention to. I myself am a Gen Z and I've noticed something going on and wanted to share it. It seems that a lot of young people today are turning down jobs that they've worked so hard to land but it's because they don't want the jobs anymore. Want I'm noticing is that they simply can't afford to even start.

You go through the hardship of interviews trying your very best to impress the employers and you manage to nail it and get the Job. Then you find out that the required uniform to wear is too expensive for you or the cost of transportation from your place to the workplace is way too much that it'll eat up your salary. When that happens, they have no choice than to stop the job because they're can't afford to even start.

This is happening especially in the U.K, these job starter costs are enough to make lots of them say no to the opportunity and can you blame them. They were looking for the job because they needed the money to survive such a difficult world where if you don't have money you struggle so they're already financially constrained, these companies shouldn't burden them with more costs only to give them a salary enough to settle their bills and the cost of being a worker there.

It's getting serious because this issue goes beyond just money, it’s affecting their mental health and confidence too. It makes a lot of them feel stuck, almost like there’s some kind of wall they can’t climb over.

With the way living costs are rising, over half of these young people don’t even think they’ll ever be financially secure. What’s more, mental health struggles are weighing them down even further. For some of them, the thought of applying for jobs, let alone showing up looks impossible. But not everyone quits, some of them are adapting to the situation. We see lots of them going to YouTube and TikTok to follow financial advisors and influencers they talk about how to make money in other ways besides applying for a job.

Some are going into freelancing, and you can't blame a lot of them for trying to build social media following for money. It is not something I would like to have my sister or any female I love do but the young women are going into only fans which of course is less dangerous than prostitution and shooting porn but it's still not the best. Hard times, that's what I see whenever I walk outside.

Anyways, anyone that fights to make it will eventually find a way to make it.

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