Some happy moments with my little students!
Children are endless possibilities. Children are the source of joy. And it is a pleasure to work with those children. Currently I am a teacher in a government primary school and I have to work with these children daily. Sometimes there are very happy moments with these children which are quite pleasant. All are students of our village and our neighboring villages and these students spend their time very happily and are very happy to go to their classes.
They are second class students. I rarely visit their classrooms. So they always complain I don't like them so don't go to their classes and don't talk to them. A few days ago I went to their class and spent a pleasant moment with them which I liked very much. They were also very cheerful. Before I entered the class one of my colics gave them ice cream and they were quite happy to have that ice cream. And they were quite happy when I entered their class and expressed their happiness by exchanging greetings and compliments to me.
Sometimes they sing different songs or religious songs to me. They even ask me to sing and I mischievously and sing along with them sometimes. To be honest, the students of this class are very active type, so I like their activity very much. Moreover, these students are very sociable type who as a result these students can easily adopt all the teachers. I also like them quite a bit so took some photographs of their joy and happiness even though some of them tried to hide their faces and some jumped for joy.