Morning beauty floating in the water!

The creator has increased the natural beauty of nature with various flowers and fruits around us. In addition to the flowers that we see around us in the gardens or on the roads or in the fields, we also see some flowers floating in the water which are a wonderful natural beauty of nature. One of the flowers that float on water is the water lily which is truly extraordinary and a natural beauty. In our region nowadays, if you go out on the road in the morning, you can see a lot of water lilies in bloom, which are really amazing and it seems like a piece of beauty is scattered here.










Water lily is our national flower. Besides, in every region of our country, when the crop fields are submerged in monsoon water, a large number of water lilies can be seen growing in those fields. In our region too, these flowers bloom in abundance and these flowers bloom mainly in the morning. Especially when you go out on the road after waking up, you like the view of such flowers blooming on both sides of the road. Although I have not yet gone to the street in the morning but yesterday when I was sitting in my office I saw this water lily in my office.

Yesterday one of my students put this water lily in the office. It is found in abundance in our region and the rope-like or palm-like parts are cooked and eaten as vegetables or curries and can also be eaten as such. However when I saw it I got to see and eat them up close for the first time this year. So I really liked it and I sat in the office with the flower and did some photography which I really liked. Moreover, this white color flower looks very beautiful and the yellow part in the middle has made the flower more beautiful. Especially in the morning when you can see these flowers floating in the water it is really amazing and as the day progresses these flowers gradually become silent.
