Greetings my dear NeedleWorkers, it is a pleasure to share with you again a new Needle Monday. Although it's a little late, I didn't want to miss the opportunity to present you a very simple, but also very nice project that I was knitting this afternoon.

This little project are some cute butterflies that I have been knitting to make some hair ties. These pigtails are to give as a gift to my youngest niece who will have her birthday very soon. She loves butterflies so I decided to make this cute and simple design that I found on the web.

This pattern consists of two small pieces of different sizes, which will be held together by a small cord that will serve as the butterfly's antennae. I decided to add some wooden beads to one of the butterflies to give them a different touch.

I found these butterflies very pretty and the best of all is that they are very simple and easy to make, so I hope to continue knitting others in different colors. For now I say goodbye wishing you an excellent start of the week. Thanks for reading, greetings and blessings.

Todas las fotos fueron tomadas con mi celular Samsung A32.
El banner de portada y los separadores de textos son diseñados por mi en
Uso traductor Deepl

I'm always a huge fan of creating such little stuff but yet I've not tried making anything out of crochet 🧶 as it seems hard to me.
You did a great job.
Thanks so much,have a nice day.
Me encantan las mariposas por todo lo que significan y por su belleza. Estas tejidas te quedaron hermosas, amiga. Estoy segura de que a tu sobrina le gustarán mucho sus colitas de mariposas. Un abrazo 🤗
Muchas gracias amiga. Yo también soy muy fan de las mariposas.
Que tengas una linda semana.
Que preciosas mariposas y se ven bastante sencillas, me gustaría tratar de hacerlas como parte de mi aprendizaje para tejer 😊 Muchas gracias por compartir 💚
Me alegra que sean de tu agrado. Gracias por pasar. Saludos.
Beautiful butterflies you got here, can they be used as key holders? I think they'll look very fancy and handy for it.
Hermosas mariposas mi querida @kattycrochet, sencillas y hermosas.
Cute simple butterflies. There are lovely dear. Weldone
Always making sweet and beautiful stuffs. This is really beautiful and unique
These could also work as beautiful butterfly earrings! I've been searching for ways to make a really nice butterfly crochet, this one is the best. Thanks for sharing this here. If you'll allow me, I'm going to give this one a try. 😊