Greetings friends and fellow NeedleWorkMonday members, I am very happy to greet you again and share with you a new crochet project. This time it is an exfoliating sachet for bath soap.

A few days ago I shared with you a similar project, in fact I found this idea the same day I found the idea of the exfoliating wipe. This soap bag has a very similar function. This sachet or woven bag is used to store the bath soap and at the same time serves as an exfoliator, as it can be used to scrub and clean the skin with the soap inside.

The first thing I did to start knitting this bag was to look for a soap to be able to take the reference measurement. There were several patterns on Pinterest, but I chose this one because I thought it was very simple and pretty. This pattern starts with an oval base and then goes up with high stitches. For the rest of the bag you alternate a round of puff stitches, using the yellow color, and a round of ecru colored stockinette stitches. Finally, the bag is closed with three rows of half double crochet and a hanging handle is knitted.

For this project I used pabilo cotton thread, which is a little harder than cotton thread for knitting clothes, but it is ideal for fulfilling the function of exfoliator. The puff stitches also help a lot in fulfilling this function without mistreating the skin. This project along with the exfoliating washcloth make a nice set to have in the shower and both are fairly simple projects that don't require a lot of material and are very useful.

It's fascinating everything that can be done for our home with just thread and needle, that's why I love crochet and it will always be one of my favorite activities. For now I say goodbye wishing you a great weekend. Thanks for reading, greetings and blessings.

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Uso traductor Deepl

The bag seem a useful tool, albeit looks small. Good work nonetheless.
Estos son mis proyectos preferidos los que cumplen una función y los elaboramos nosotros mismas.
Como dices es maravilloso poder hacer cosas para nuestras casas con nuestras propias manos. El crochet es una gran técnica, la admiro muchísimo. Este proyecto te quedó genial
Hermoso y útil, amiga. Me encantó. Ideal para un regalito de Navidad con su jaboncito especial. Gracias por compartir esta idea. Un abrazo 🤗
This is cute, I love that it even matches the bar soap pack, I imagine your home bring filled with many fictional crochet items, kind of living in a dream/ fairy home.
Hola Katty, la bolsa exfoliadora, te quedó muy linda, los colores me encantan, además es muy útil para guardar el jabón y limpiar la piel, hacer las cosas con nuestras manos es una gran bendición, se pueden variar los diseños y usar los colores favoritos.
Feliz fin de semana!