MWM|| Crochet Magazine Collection

Happy and blessed weekend my dear fellow artisans. Today I am excited to share with you something that made me feel very happy this week. Here is what it is all about.

It is always very nice to receive gifts from our loved ones and I think we all value the gesture and the affection of the person much more than the gift itself. Well, I tell you that I just received an unexpected gift that made me very happy, both for the person who had the gesture and for the great treasure that he has given me. It is a collection of crochet and crochet magazines.

Mi mayor sorpresa fue cuando me entregó una cesta llena de revistas de tejido. Este obsequio inesperado me produjo mucha alegría porque me recordó mis inicios en el mundo del crochet.
I can't describe the great emotion I felt when one of my aunts, whom I hadn't seen for many years, gave me her collection of magazines in a beautiful basket. To put it in context, my aunt is a great weaver; in my youth she taught me to weave booties and other little things. A month ago her husband passed away, and her new reality led her to make the decision to go live with her children who have been out of the country for years. This week she came to visit us to say goodbye and spend a few days with her family. My biggest surprise was when she handed me a basket full of knitting magazines. This unexpected gift made me very happy because it reminded me of my beginnings in the world of crochet.

Nowadays it is not common to use magazines as a guide to make some kind of handicraft, in fact it is quite difficult to find a place where they sell them. Platforms like Pinterest and You tuBe have replaced the use of printed material. However, magazines bring graphics and patterns that are very helpful. In my aunt's collection I was able to find patterns for tablecloths, rugs, coats, dresses, bathing suits, baby clothes and many other beautiful things to knit.

I am very happy with this wonderful gift. I have already selected some projects that I would like to start, I just need to go out and buy some yarn and get to work. I was very happy to share my joy with you, receive a virtual hug. Greetings and blessings.

Todas las fotos fueron tomadas con mi celular Samsung A32.
El banner de portada y los separadores de textos son diseñados por mi en
Uso traductor Deepl

Qué hermoso gesto, amiga, y un regalo de mucho valor. Disfrútalo, sé que le sacarás mucho provecho. Un abrazo.
Me imagino que siempre que ibas a ver a tu tía, veías estas revistas y nunca te imaginabas que te las iba a regalar todas, fue un gesto muy importante, tu tía sabe muy bien que las vas a cuidar y apreciar mucho, cuando queremos algo se lo confiamos a esa persona que sabemos que lo va a cuidar bien.
Felicidades amiga.❣️
@kattycrochet Que maravilloso regalo, entonces tendremos la ducha de seguir admirando tu talento después de ver tanta inspiración, Saludos 🤗
Hola Katty, tu tía si que supo sorprenderte con tan valioso regalo además es un hermoso recuerdo de tus inicios en el tejido con la ayuda y guía de tu tía, espero ver tus nuevos proyectos de crochet.
Feliz y bendecido domingo!
Esas hermosas revistas de seguro tienen aroma a gloria. De mi parte, amo el olor a papel antiguo y guardado. Tu tía te ha dado un regalo especial, tanto que ha removido esas emociones y recuerdos de tus inicios. Bendiciones para ti amiga Katy y para tu tía.
Oh wow, these look like treasure right now. I've never seen anything like it.
Una verdadera reliquia,.me recordaste hacen años cada quincena pasaba a ver qué nueva revista había llegado,
What a beautiful magazine collection. I can't waite to see the beautiful things you will creat
I am happy to also read your post dear
Hermoso regalo de parte de su tía, revistas de colección, son un tesoro, sé que le apreciará mucho, 😊