LOH Contest #215 || My priorities for next year




Esta pregunta es excelente y muy adecuada para estas fechas, ya que es importante tomarse un tiempo para reflexionar y replantearse metas y objetivos. Hay una frase que me ha ayudado muchísimo en los últimos años, que dice: “Cuando las prioridades están claras, las decisiones se vuelven fáciles” Esto es algo tan cierto, que cada vez que lo necesito la repito en voz alta.
This question is excellent and very appropriate for these dates, since it is important to take some time to reflect and rethink goals and objectives. There is a phrase that has helped me a lot in recent years, which says: “When priorities are clear, decisions become easy” This is something so true, that every time I need it I repeat it out loud.


Desde que soy mi madre mi prioridad ha sido siempre el bienestar de mis hijos y en base a ello tomo todas mis decisiones. Por ende, sacar a delante a mis hijos y apoyarlos en sus proyectos será siempre mi prioridad. No obstante, para el próximo año me quiero enfocar también en una de mis metas personales más importantes que es tener mi casa propia. Tener una casa que sea legalmente de mi propiedad ha sido mi sueño desde hace algunos años, pero por motivos variados esta meta se ha tenido que postergar una y otra vez.
Since I became a mother, my priority has always been the welfare of my children and I make all my decisions based on that. Therefore, taking my children forward and supporting them in their projects will always be my priority. However, for next year I also want to focus on one of my most important personal goals, which is to own my own home. Having a house that I legally own has been my dream for some years now, but for various reasons this goal has had to be postponed again and again.


El próximo año quiero enfocarme en ser fiel a mis objetivos sin desatender mi rol de madre, por supuesto. Pero considero que debo brindarme esa oportunidad de alcanzar un logro personal como fruto de todo el esfuerzo, trabajo y dedicación de todos estos años. Es algo que me debo a mí misma y que merece ser cumplido. Con la ayuda de Dios y su Divina Providencia espero poner todas mis energías en seguir trabajando para el bienestar de mis hijos y el mío propio.
Since I became a mother, my priority has always been the welfare of my children and I make all my decisions based on that. Therefore, taking my children forward and supporting them in their projects will always be my priority. However, for next year I also want to focus on one of my most important personal goals, which is to own my own home. Having a house that I legally own has been my dream for some years now, but for various reasons this goal has had to be postponed again and again.



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para las madres nuestros hijos siempre son la prioridad numero uno aunque ya estén grandes. Muchas bendiciones

0.186 NEOXAG

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Perhaps one day @kattycrochet and don't give it up.
I started as soon as I could after graduating as a nurse. Learning the tax laws and banking practices, and learned self home repairs too.
I did managed to pay off the mortgage to my home but working extra hours, doing side gigs and taking care of my sick roommate took a heavy toll on my health. Owning a home is not just for me but something tangible to hand over to my sons especially with a very expensive property market now. ❤️

0.000 NEOXAG

Having a house that I legally own has been my dream for some years now

This needs to be done for your child and I think it's one of your priorities as well. I know you have a lot of responsibilities now but don't forget to take care of yourself too... I wish you all the best...

Thanks for your participation...

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