Hive Arte || Drawing in Halloween 👻

Greetings creative friends of Hive Arte, I hope you are having a nice week. In today's post I want to share with you a Halloween-themed drawing that I made for my youngest daughter.

It is important to note that this is a holiday that I do not celebrate and do not participate in, but my youngest daughter has always loved to dress up, so she loves Halloween, Carnival and any event that involves putting on a costume and creating characters. Since we don't celebrate Halloween at home, she always makes something to put in her room, so this time, I thought of giving her a drawing related to this theme.

I found this design on Pinterest and it seemed perfect for her, since she is fascinated by cats and our mascot is a tuxedo kitty. I managed to print the base of the drawing and then start to fill in with straight lines in the same direction of each figure. It is the first time that I fill a drawing in this way, because usually, I do it using different patterns of lines, without taking into account the direction of the line. Nevertheless, it was very relaxing and entertaining to work this way and I loved the final result.

My daughter was very surprised that I made this drawing for her, since she knows that I don't share this Halloween custom, but I explained to her that I only wanted to make her a detail because I know she loves it. I think it's a very cute drawing and it doesn't reflect anything scary, so I hope she likes it. It was a pleasure to share with you again, thanks for reading, greetings and blessings.

Todas las fotos fueron tomadas con mi celular Samsung A32.
El banner de portada y los separadores de textos son diseñados por mi en
Uso traductor Deepl

Esta hermosa esa técnica de seguir las líneas según la figura. Seguro qie le va a encantar.
A mi me gusta disfrazarme, pero para hoy no preparamos nada.
Por eso también les compartí mi dibujo.
Hola, es una técnica muy relajante y entretenida, te la recomiendo. Ya pude ver tu dibujo, también muy lindo y creativo. Gracias por pasar.
Hermoso amiga. Bien creativo. Lo adore
Muchas gracias, me alegra que te haya gustado. Saludos!
Nos encantaría ver más fotografías del paso a paso, su arte es fascinante, gracias por compartir en la comunidad.
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