These past few weeks have been quite hectic and busy. However, this weekend I took a moment to reflect on how I can keep myself serene in spite of the day to day situations. Finding inner peace in the midst of day-to-day routines has become a very difficult mission to accomplish for many of us. Most adults of this generation are living life on autopilot. We try to accomplish everything, cover everything and reach everything, but at the cost of not enjoying anything.

Being fully aware of the present moment is becoming more and more difficult. Most of the time we are so busy thinking about issues to be resolved in the near future that we do not live in the present moment. If we are having breakfast our mind is thinking about what we are going to have for lunch; if we are taking a bath our mind is organizing what clothes we are going to wear. If we are going on a trip we usually do not enjoy the journey but we are planning the activities we will do when we arrive at our destination. And so on with all our actions.

This reality is something that has been affecting me negatively and has caused me a lot of stress and increased my anxiety. That is why I decided to pause and reflect on it. One of the activities that help me to keep my mind in the present is cleaning and tidying my personal spaces such as my room and my studio. Putting everything in its place helps me to feel peace and order my thoughts as well.

Embroidery, drawing and crochet are activities that allow me to connect with the present because they require full attention in each step of the process to achieve the best results. Therefore, whenever I can, I try to do any of these activities to relax and connect with my serene and creative side. Taking the time to meditate allows me to face challenges and challenges with a calm mind and an open heart. Thanks for reading, greetings and blessings.

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De acuerdo contigo, amiga, es cierto que la situación y las circunstancias a veces son agobiantes, pero hay que procurarse momentos de serenidad y calma. Al igual que tú, los encuentro bordando o tejiendo, por ejemplo. Pero, incluso en esos momentos debemos permanecer presentes en el instante y no dejar que nuestra mente haga de las suyas. Ese es el ejercicio que debemos hacer conscientemente. Espero que todo sea leve, te mando un abrazo 🤗