(ENG/ESP) The Ink Well Fiction Prompt #178: MARIANA'S DREAMS



Mariana always has a smile on her lips. At her young age, she is happy with her dream world. According to her parents, Ernesto and Dorotea, she sometimes seems a bit absent-minded and distant from the reality around her. Her brother Julián, who is older than her, always has his feet on the ground. He is analytical, observant, conventional and always fights with the girl every time she goes to the land of dreams...

Although Mariana always showed an amazing imagination, her parents were nervous about this behavior. They never had those kinds of illusions or didn't want to remember them. To them, their daughter was sometimes considered a nightmare. The fantasy of the girl's delusions prompted them to seek medical help.
Everyone told them the same thing:

-Let her be happy. That's normal at that age. Never repress her dreams. That would be counterproductive to her development. Maybe when she grows up she could be a great writer.

Ernesto and Dorotea didn't understand these indications very well. They wanted another world for their daughter. After a week of introspection they decided to talk. Dorotea began with her heart pounding with anxiety, her face red and her brow furrowed:

-No doctor provided us with the necessary remedy to eliminate this behavior. That seems strange to me. That's why we have to do something. What do you suggest?

Ernesto listens to her, but, at the same time, a ray of light comes into his mind... in an instant he remembers his happy childhood in the forest with the animals that nobody saw. He had forgotten all about that. He immediately reacts to calm his wife down:

Don't get upset Dorotea. We went to the best doctors. For your safety we can tell Julian to keep an eye on her and keep us informed.

Dorotea's face changes and they both end the conversation in a tight embrace.

All arrangements were made for Julian, reluctantly, to keep an eye on his sister. It would begin on Saturday on a trip to the beach. Everyone packed their belongings and set off to enjoy the weekend. New events would happen...

On her walk along the beach Mariana got a rusty key and, looking at the sky, she thought to herself:

-This key will take me to a faraway world and a magical adventure.

Keep the key secret. No one notices it. That night Mariana goes out into the garden, with the key close to her heart, looks at the moon and exclaims:

-I will go to a galaxy and paint the constellation where I want to live.

At that moment an unknown being with human appearance, small stature, golden skin and emerald eyes introduces himself:

-My name is Glukartina. I come from the planet Futuriza. I invite you to the crystal garden.

The excited girl, without hesitation, follows Glukartina. When they get there, a diamond door opens. They enter and are greeted by a library with many books. Mariana takes one. She begins to read it and immediately a pencil and a notebook appear on the desk. She leafs through the notebook. She notices that the pages are blank. At that moment she feels a strange sensation... Someone is guiding her hand. In that instant, defying the limits of reality, Mariana scribbles humanoid characters, symbols and the animals with which her father was very happy. There she finds a world of infinite possibilities and says, "Now I am going to create art:

-Now I am going to create cosmic art.

It was already very late and the girl fell asleep. The next morning Mariana wakes up in her room. She doesn't understand...she runs to the crystal garden.

-What happened? How could she disappear? Glukartina is also missing.

She returns to her room and on her bed is the notebook. She opens it and her drawings are still there. He decides to put them away. He thinks it's not the right time to show them to anyone. She puts it in the secret compartment of her backpack. She takes it back home with her. There, night after night, she looks at them and thinks of her world of wonder and infinite possibilities. She spent three years repeating this behavior until, one day, she forgot the notebook on her bed. That day she runs out of her room. It's time to go to school. There, after two hours of class, she remembers that she did not hide the notebook.

-Oh, now my curious brother will make fun of me. She thought

But it wasn't her brother who flipped through her notebook...it was her father who soon returned to his childhood in the forest. She nodded again and again:

-How exactly did Mariana capture the animals talking to me in the forest? I'll have to ask her...

Back home, Mariana immediately runs to her room. There she looks at the bed... happily there is her notebook. She takes a deep breath and puts it away again. But that day at dinner her father rebukes her:

-Daughter it's been a while since you've told us anything about your illusions. It seems that everything is falling apart. Is something wrong?

-No, Dad. What do you want to know?

-I would like you to tell me about your magical adventures. Do you have any writings or drawings?

Mariana was surprised, but took the opportunity to show them her notebook. It was then that Ernesto commented to the family:

-I was also a foolish dreamer who never dared to tell what I lived in the forest. Daughter, I don't know how you did it, but the animals you painted in your notebook are the same ones I talked to when I went to the forest. We all at some point have dreams that make our souls happy. Follow your dream of creating cosmic art.

Everyone looks at each other's faces and immediately rejoices and joins together in a warm family embrace.

MARIANA'S DREAMS by María del Carmen Sánchez Copyright© 2024

July 12, 2024

Translated with DeepL.com (free version)


Mariana siempre tiene dibujada una sonrisa en sus labios. A su corta edad es feliz con su mundo onírico. Según sus padres, Ernesto y Dorotea, a veces parece un poco despistada y alejada de la realidad que la rodea. Su hermano Julián, mayor que ella, siempre tiene los pies sobre la tierra. Es analítico, observador, convencional y, siempre se pelea con la niña cada vez que, ella, va al país de los sueños…

Aunque Mariana siempre mostró una imaginación asombrosa, sus padres estaban nerviosos por ese comportamiento. Ellos nunca tuvieron ese tipo de ilusiones o, no querían recordarlas. Para ellos, su hija a veces la consideraban una pesadilla. La fantasía de las ilusiones de la niña los indujo a buscar ayuda médica.
Todos les decían lo mismo:

-Déjenla ser feliz. Eso es normal a esa edad. Nunca repriman sus sueños. Eso sería contraproducente para su desarrollo. Quizás cuando crezca podría ser una gran escritora.

Ernesto y Dorotea no comprendieron muy bien esas indicaciones. Ellos querían otro mundo para su hija. Luego de una semana de introspección decidieron conversar. Comienza Dorotea con un corazón palpitando de ansiedad, la cara roja y el ceño fruncido:

-Ningún médico nos suministró el remedio necesario para eliminar ese comportamiento. Eso me parece raro. Por eso tenemos que hacer algo. ¿Qué sugieres?

Ernesto la escucha, pero, al mismo tiempo, un rayo de luz llega a su mente… en un instante recuerda su feliz niñez en el bosque con los animales que nadie veía. Eso lo tenía olvidado completamente. Inmediatamente reacciona para calmar a su esposa:

-No te alteres Dorotea. Fuimos a los mejores doctores. Para tu seguridad podemos decirle a Julián que la vigile y, nos mantenga informados.

La cara de Dorotea cambia y ambos finalizan la conversación fundidos en un fuerte abrazo.

Se hicieron todos los preparativos para que Julián, a regañadientes, vigilara a su hermana. Comenzaría el sábado en un viaje a la playa. Todos empacaron sus pertenencias y partieron a disfrutar del fin de semana. Nuevos acontecimientos sucederían…
En su paseo por la playa Mariana consiguió una llave oxidada y, mirando al cielo, pensó:

-Esta llave me llevará a un mundo lejano y a una aventura mágica.

Guarda en secreto la llave. Nadie se percata de ello. Esa noche Mariana sale al jardín, con la llave cerca de su corazón, mira la luna y exclama:

-Iré a una galaxia y pintaré la constelación donde quiero vivir.

En ese instante un ser desconocido con apariencia humana, de pequeña estatura, piel dorada y ojos esmeralda se presenta:

-Me llamo Glukartina. Vengo del planeta Futuriza. Te invito al jardín de cristal.

La niña emocionada, sin dudar, sigue a Glukartina. Al llegar allí se abre una puerta de diamante. Entran y las recibe una biblioteca con muchos libros. Mariana toma uno. Empieza a leerlo e inmediatamente un lápiz y un cuaderno aparecen sobre el escritorio. Hojea el cuaderno. Observa que las páginas están en blanco. En ese momento siente una extraña sensación…Alguien guía su mano. En ese instante, desafiando los límites de la realidad, Mariana, garabatea personajes humanoides, símbolos y los animales con los cuales su padre fue muy feliz. Allí encuentra un mundo de posibilidades infinitas y dice:

-Ahora voy a crear arte cósmico.

Ya era muy tarde y la niña se queda dormida. A la mañana siguiente Mariana se despierta en su cuarto. No entiende…corre al jardín de cristal.

-¿Qué pasó? ¿Cómo pudo desaparecer? Tampoco está Glukartina.
Regresa a su cuarto y sobre su cama está el cuaderno. Lo abre y allí siguen sus dibujos. Decide guardarlos. Piensa que no es el momento de enseñárselos a nadie. Lo guarda en el compartimiento secreto de su mochila. Se lo lleva de retorno al hogar. Allí noche tras noche los mira y piensa en su mundo de maravilla y de infinitas posibilidades. Pasó tres años repitiendo ese comportamiento hasta que, un día, se le olvidó el cuaderno sobre la cama. Ese día sale de su habitación corriendo. Es hora de ir al colegio. Allí, luego de dos horas de clase, recuerda que no ocultó el cuaderno.

-¡Ay! Ahora el curioso de mi hermano se burlará de mí. Pensó

Pero no fue su hermano el que hojeó su cuaderno…fue su padre que pronto retornó a su infancia en el bosque. Cabecea una y otra vez:

-¿Cómo pudo Mariana plasmar exactamente los animales que hablaban conmigo en el bosque? Tendré que preguntárselo…

De retorno al hogar Mariana corre inmediatamente a su habitación. Allí mira la cama… felizmente allí está su cuaderno. Respira profundo y lo guarda nuevamente. Pero ese día durante la cena su padre la increpa:

-Hija hace tiempo que no nos cuentas nada de tus ilusiones. Parece que todo se derrumbara. ¿Te pasa algo?

-No papá. ¿Qué quieres saber?

-Me gustaría que me contaras tus aventuras mágicas. ¿Tienes algún escrito o algún dibujo?

Mariana se extrañó, pero aprovechó la oportunidad para mostrarles su cuaderno. Fue allí cuando Ernesto le comentó a la familia:

-Yo también fui un tonto soñador que nunca se atrevió a contar lo que viví en el bosque. Hija no sé cómo hiciste, pero los animales que pintaste en tu cuaderno son los mismos con los que yo hablaba cuando iba al bosque. Todos en algún momento tenemos sueños que nos alegran el alma. Sigue tu sueño de crear arte cósmico.

Todos se miran las caras para inmediatamente regocijarse y unirse, en un cálido abrazo familiar.


Sometimes it is very difficult to find people who understand our dreams and encourage us to fight for them. Mariana and her father shared dreams: dreams that gladden the soul. Greetings


A beautiful story of fantasy and dreams. The girl draws that world that is presented to her. In the end her parents understood what was happening to the girl.

Thanks for sharing your story.
Good day.


A beautiful story full of fantasy, such are the dreams of children that we forget when we are adults. It is as if we block that natural ability to dream.
I loved your story
Greetings @katleya and thank you for sharing it.
