[ENG/ESP] Dia de Bicicleta por los potreros betijoque / Bicycle day in the betijoque pastures

Hello hive community I want to share my day today started early to take out my dad's bike to exercise as it is important for recovery from a caesarean section of course after so long and soft.

I took the bike and put on the helmet and rode several places in the paddocks betijoque beautiful places cool environment a little heavy bike but that does not prevent me to anything and continue touring these beautiful landscapes

that gives us this town day several turns I saw mountains and very beautiful flowers of various kinds

for these moments I will continue to share my stay here in this wonderful town thanks to all for reading and supporting me. Todas las fotos son de mi propiedad
All photos are my propertyhttps://www.deepl.com/Translator Plantilla editada en Adobe Photoshop Cs6
Template edited in Adobe Photoshop Cs6