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I think pushing the agenda of AI taking out jobs is stupid. Just like the internet and computers instead of taking jobs is adding jobs and new businesses. 20 years ago all those Uber drivers, youtubers and tiktokers wasn't a thing. And you don't see millions of people fighting tooth and nails to get a paper stamp office jobs or a spot at the local UPS.
Even relatively unsophisticated, uneducated people find places on OnlyFans or with minimum investment launch a podcast. I agree not everyone make a living out of that immediately but that's just business and the ability of start up more complex businesses will become easier as AI start getting more and more dominated by humans.
I think the whole globe will get their web 1 moment where most of the money is online and most of the demand is online and people can sell their things online very easy and without the need o banks which has hurt the most of the societies in third world countries. Banks are slow and complicated to become a legit merchant in places like Nigeria or India or Brazil.
So pushing the truth is stupid.
The laborforce participation rate in the United States peaked in 1998; it peaked globally in 1990. That means less working age people, as a percentage of the total, are working today.
You fail to look at the jobs destroyed. In the US, manufacturing jobs are down 6 million from their peak (yet we output more).
Have you noticed all the layoffs at the tech companies even though their business is seeing record revenues? What does that tell you? Who do you think is integrating AI first?
That job destruction is a consequence of policy and you are just looking at the US. Jobs weren't destroyed, they were moved. They might have even been multiplied. Those numbers only measure jobs in one place. But globally these jobs multiplied around the world.
So the 10k employee factory in the US became a 100k employee factory in china. For example.
Poverty around the world has been reduced in the last 100 years from 60% of the population in 1950 to less than 15% in 2017. That destruction is greatly because the expansion of manufacturing around the world as the countries with most growth has been countries with a growing manufacturing.
As for the US (and Europe) despite the doom and gloom narrative has been great as far as economic growth has been thanks to tech. From dot com bubble to web 2.0, to mobile revolution, to SAAS/cloud development, there has been more and more diversity in the job marketplace.
AI like most data innovation will just make new markets and new ways to make money. The switch from physical things to digital things will just accelerate and the money behind it will multiply around the world.
Right now there is a whole slew of AI frameworks and AI agents like ElizaOS, Boltz, Agent Zero, n8n competing for AI dominance. My point is that talent will be there and come from everywhere in the world.
Going back to manufacturing is that nobody had this reaction when 3D printing took over and made it easy to manufacture things like machinery parts and houses from almost anywhere. Just like the printing press and the people opposing it, mainly religious people like Mormons in the US and Muslims in the middle east.
I think AI is getting a similar treatment like click n mortar destroying the brick and mortar, open source being a cancer of the industry and Bitcoin being rat poison and a scam. So yeah I am calling it stupid.
If AI was uber, you'll be like those taxi drivers claiming taking people around on their own car is illegal and the government should ban it. Or the banks saying Bitcoin should be banned.
The reason tech layoffs have been a lot more due to over-hiring after the covid. Those jobs were clearly overpayed because of 'the great resignation'. A lot of people during the covid ruling decided to retire, that pushed companies to scramble for talent which pushed the job market to overpay. 3 years later, the market has normalized and realize their staff was overpayed and could layoff and get rid of all those high paying jobs for more normal ones. AI was only the scape goat reason or even more a constructed narrative without actual data to back it up.