My experience with music in school.

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Music is a tool that has been particularly useful for children as they begin their educational journey. It is often used to facilitate fast learning and education, as children tend to learn more quickly through listening to videos that incorporate music, such as those used to teach the alphabet and numbers.

Back then in my primary school, we had music teachers and music was one of the subjects in our curriculum. My school also had some musical instrument that where used to show us the practical aspect. However, we didn't really have enough musical instruments and our music teacher wasn't very good at playing most instruments. To address this, my school invited a group of professionals who brought instruments like the clarinet, violin, saxophone, and other wind instruments.

They where professionals and they taught us really well and what they did was to place us in into different departments, each student must belong somewhere and must make sure to atleast be good in playing 2 different instruments.

Same thing when I gained admission into the secondary school, it was still a subject that was in our curriculum. However, this time, it inloved three distinct subjects: Music, Drama, and Art and Craft, all grouped under the general name C.C.A. which means Creative and Cultural Art.

Music was really one of my favourite subject then and it was quite easier to learn and understand for me compared to the other two subject.

Now, when I got to the second tier of my secondary school it wasn't part of my curriculum anymore as we where focusing more on our science courses as I was a science student.

Even at that it was still always vital in our school activities as it was always played in our inter House sports day , cultural day, end of the year party , to keep us entertained.

Another part that made me enjoy music was the social night party we normally do mostly on Saturdays . It was was a party set aside for us to atelast have some time to ease stresss that we went through during the week and engage with some other students in school. I so much loved this party because it usually done in the night and you can easily dance away your sorrow and be happy and joyous without much people seeing you haha.

Although I am not doing anything relating to music in my school at the moment , but some universities in Nigeria such as the university i am studying currently , still have a specific department where students can pay to study music and learn how to play different musical instruments , which is something that is thoughtful of them as it very vital and important to help the students pick up a skill and make them become better at using their voices. I truly believe that my primary and secondary school experiences wouldn't have been as fun and exciting without the integration of music into our curriculum and activities.

This is my entry to the #septemberinleo contest for day 4. You can also participate by clicking here

Thanks for following me to the end.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


good stuff, learning for the kids is a whole life game


We also learned music in the Philippines. It is part of the curriculum, and it does help children's development. We competed with other schools, and it was a great experience. I learned how to slow down and go fast with my hands; it trains the brain, which is applicable in everyday life.
