🌳 Banyan Trees & Orchids 🌺 A Little Bit Of Cambodia In Florida 👨🌾
My mom's neighbor in Florida is quite a fan of orchids, and he was keen to show me his gardening style similar to how orchids grow in the forest here in Cambodia.
It's A Cambodian Jungle 🌴
The gentleman in the thumbnail is a former Rhodesian pro tennis player, my mom's neighbor in Florida, and he's got a green thumb. Hank had everything from banyan trees to orchids, and even ប៉ប្រក (pɑprɑɑk), a plant that grows here in the Cardamom Mountains of Cambodia.
The banyan trees are found everywhere in this little town, not just Hank's yard. My mom told me this is because the original developers of the area established them, and they have only spread since that time, as banyan trees tend to do.
Party At The Sandbar 🚣♀️
After leaving Hank's house, my mother took me around the area and showed me a daytime gathering place for boaters to party and socialize.
There were two bridges, and the first one we crossed over was rather normal. There was a channel, a clear lane of boat traffic under the bridge, and old partially collapsed bridge visible a kilometer or so away.
The next bridge a couple kilometers down the road would be host to daytime sandbar partygoers.
When we arrived at the highest point of the second bridge, I could see several boats anchored and many people standing in the water, which appeared to be about chest-deep.
It's clear because of the natural sandbar here, the clear water, and a bit of natural protection from the Gulf, this place is basically a beach for boaters that lacks any visible sand above the surface.
After heading back home I noticed some kayakers visible in the sea beyond a NO PARKING sign. With this post I conclude my Florida adventures. After this I went to Kentucky/Indiana for three weeks, and then back to Cambodia, where I've been now for around a week already. Soon I will be caught up and posting about life events in real-time, so stay tuned......
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Ok. Welcome back last week. Sorry for late response as I myself having a jetlag from the spacecraft of resignation.
Thanks for stopping by. The last month has been hard for me to find any freetime, and I hate that I haven't found time to follow your blog and others as I normally would. Hopefully this week I will get some time to catch up on reading. I am most excited to read about your job updates, don't give me any spoilers 😉.