The Upsides And Downsides Of Civilization


Over the years, civilization has proven to be beneficial to human existence. It has transformed the world and brought lots of advantages. The advantages have made life easier, better, and somehow worth living. First, what do we mean by civilization? In my own words, civilization goes hand in hand with orderliness. Is it a stage where a group of people or a community attains an advanced degree of orderliness? It is a stage where a community develops from a primitive stage into a new/ developed one. Let’s use the early men as a case study. Can we say they were civilized? Definitely not! They lived savagely and did not have an orderly way of doing things. For example, they didn’t have a system of government. Well, I’m not sure if they didn’t have a system of government at all. Butter put, they didn’t have an organized system of government. During their time, there was nothing like federalism, parliamentarian, legislature, judiciary, and so on. In their days, there was nothing like technology, they hunted with local materials, relied on their instincts, and made use of resources around them.

Civilization came in and human existence changed for the better. Well, it is more like a two-sided coin. It did change A PART of human existence for the better and did the opposite for the rest. There is no doubt that civilization has brought numerous advantages. However, it also bears some set of disadvantages. Mostly every good thing in this world has a negative part. Money, for example, is a good resource that everyone wants to possess. But, the thirst for money has also led to the death of innocent people. In this post, I’ll explore the pros and cons of civilization.

The most important advantage of civilization is the development of technology. Before the advent of technology, humans lived in a “dark space.” At that time, life was quite difficult to navigate. The advent of technology made it easier. A very good example is the development of theInternet. Gone are those days when people sent messages through pigeons (and some other types of birds), messengers, smoke signals, letters, and drum beats. These were the ways people communicate with each other over long distances. Not only can these methods take days, months, or even years (depending on the location), but some of them never even get delivered. I’m sure there were definitely instances where carrier pigeons lost letters. However, with the advent of civilization and the development of technology, things changed for the better. Thanks to different social media platforms, I can communicate with my friends and family from the comfort of my home. I don’t need to train a pigeon on how to send messages before I can communicate with my friends and family. Honestly, I’m curious to know how those pigeons were trained. I mean, did they learn how to read? How did they know the address to deliver the messages to? Well, I guess I'll satisfy my curiosity by reading about them on the internet.


Learning new skills is another perk of the internet. We don’t have to travel far distances every day to learn skills. There are so many courses and materials online where we can learn new skills. Also, the internet has made it possible for people to work remotely.

As I mentioned above, civilization is a two-sided coin. It has advantages and disadvantages. The one disadvantage that’ll be focusing on in this post is pollution. Civilization/technology brought in new and big machines. There’s no doubt that this machine helps us in our daily tasks. They make work easier for us. However, humans go extreme when they start attaching nature to these machines. Air pollution, for example, is one of the things damaging our ecosystem. It does not only affect our environment but also our health. These big machines produce polluted air, and inhaling polluted air can lead to some respiratory diseases such as asthma. I also read in an article that inhaling polluted air can cause strokes. Land pollution and air pollution are plagues disturbing our ecosystem.

Conclusively, civilization has lots of benefits as well as disadvantages. However, over the years, the advantages of civilization have proven to weigh more than the disadvantages.

Thanks for reading.


This is a well explained writing

Over the years, civilization has done us so many good and I can attest that it is still giving us it's best

As civilization will have it, I hope that there's a solution to prevent land pollution and air pollution for our healthy living


Hello, Edy. I sent you a message on WhatsApp since oo. Please, check it out. A solution to land and air pollution? God save us all.


There is no doubt about the fact that civilization brought lots of good things to the world and it has good impact on humans
And among the thing civilization brought was the technology which has helped human existence a lot
Though it has its disadvantages but the good side of it is what we all are looking at


Hello there! Yeah, it has disadvantage and advantages. The advantages weighs more.


The same technology that helps us is destroying mother nature, it is a matter of conscience. By being in contact with nature we relax and recharge our energies and it also provides us with the air to live. Very few use technology for environmental conservation.


Soon enough, nature would start fighting back, harder.


Civilization brought technological advancement that is very true and the Blockchain and even hive stems from it. Wow we are also ardent benefactor of this development.

Thanks for the detailed explanation.


Nice read here. Civilization has its own advantages and disadvantages just like any other thing and the way it help us have a better way of life, so does people abused it.


I like the word you used for it as it's two sided coin , yes you're right we used technology for our good but t has some bad effect too
