24 Hours To Reconnect And Explore The Things That Bring Me Happiness


If I had the whole day I could do anything I wanted, I'm sure it's going to be a productive day. It would be a golden opportunity to do the things I love and the things I've always wanted to do. It's gonna be a day filled with sweet memories. If I had the power to choose the day, I would definitely want it to be a Saturday. There's something different about Saturdays. It is always a special day. The birds sing differently, the insects buzz more cheerfully and the air smells sweet scented roses. Saturdays are blessed. I would try not to make a list of the things I’d love to do that day. I have noticed that I don't do well with to-do lists. It tends to add pressure and stress. I know it is weird, but trust me, I'm working on it. I have noticed that if I make a to-do list, I might end up not achieving more than half of the things on that list, however when I let myself flow freely, I achieve things faster and better.


I would start my day by praying to my creator. I would thank him for the gift of life and protection over me and my family. My morning would be for relaxation. The first thing would be to take a Saturday morning walk. Recently, I discovered morning walks are pretty better than evening walks. If the weather and timing are right, you'll enjoy your morning walks. There's something magical about taking a stroll on a bright Saturday morning. It is like embarking on a journey to find peace and serenity. At the time when beautiful birds are singing melodious songs and when the moon is still too shy to rear its head, that's when morning walks hit perfectly. It's a great time to reflect. I would take a stroll around my street.

My favorite “breakfast food” is plantain and fried eggs. If I had the opportunity to spend a doing doing anything I want, eating my favorite food for breakfast wouldn't be a bad idea. Fried plantain goes well with a lot of things; beans, white rice, jolt of rice or fried rice, stew, and son either meal. My favorite is plantain and eggs. After breakfast, I would read an interesting book. As a book lover, how else would you rather spend an hour on Saturday morning than read a mind-blowing book? I would not want to stress my brain, so I would flee from William Shakespeare's books and focus on less complex ones. I would re-read my favorite book- Night Trian by Judith Clark or read any other of her books.


My afternoon would be to do the things I've always wanted to do, but I've not been able to. Ever since I was a kid, I've always wanted to play a virtual reality game. I've always been fascinated by the beautiful experience of playing virtual reality games. Even though Ibe never played these games, I've watched numerous videos on the internet on how these games work. I'm pretty sure it is something that would make my day. If I had the opportunity to spend a day doing everything I wanted, I would dive into the world of virtual reality games and fulfill my childhood dreams. Now, here's something extra; “if you had the whole day where you could do anything you wanted, would you do? This means that for 24 hours, I could do whatever I wanted. That means I would be given magical powers to make my wildest dreams come true.

Well, I have always fascinated watching a football match at Old Trafford. Old Trafford is a football stadium in Manchester. It is the home of my favorite football club, Manchester United. The stadium is legendary and has housed and brought up legends. I've seen lots of videos on how amazing the place is. I have never stepped foot out of my country, not to think of watching a football match outside the country. It is going to be a big dream come true if I watch a live football match at Old Trafford. Definitely, I wouldn't make the mistake of not snapping lots of pictures.

As evening creeps in, I would spend time with my friends and family. It would be amazing to sit down in from of a gigantic TV and watch an interesting movie. An old interesting Indian movie, maybe? Or we could watch Bahubali. Bahubali is an Indian movie starring Pranhas. It's an all-round movie and I'm sure everyone would enjoy watching it.

If all these things happen, it would be a dream come true. It would be a day filled with love, joy, peace, and endless opportunities allowing me to reconnect with the things that bring me happiness.

Thanks for reading.

Posted using Neoxian City


This sounds like a perfect day designed for a whole lot of your favourite activities to happen on that day. I know how much you love novel and football and I wasn't surprised to see them among the things you desire to do. Nothing making a to-do list favours you? That's interesting but as for me..it makes me stay focused.

Thanks for participating


Hello there, Nkem. I hope all is well with you. Haha! Nkem knows me too well. I know it is weird. Very weird, right. I don’t know why to-do list doesn’t work for me.

It is normal that to-do list favours you. You’re a mother and you’re also combing chores with hive and some other things.

Thanks for stopping by .


On this special day, taking a walk in the cool morning air then enjoying your favorite breakfast sounds wonderful. Then going to Old Trafford and ending the day watching tv with loved one - what a treat. Enjoying movies can be quite relaxing and entertaining. Sounds like you had a perfect day planned.


Thank you so much, Momo. I'm glad you agree with me.


On this special day, taking a walk in the cool morning air then enjoying your favorite breakfast sounds wonderful. Then going to Old Trafford and ending the day watching tv with loved one - what a treat. Enjoying movies can be quite relaxing and entertaining. Sounds like you had a perfect day planned.
