To say that this game cost me a lot to pass it with my partner would be very modest and is that certainly the difficulty of this game is NOT an appropriate difficulty for everyone EVEN MORE when half of our team is controlled by the game itself and do NOT play like us, even so we accept the IMPOSSIBLE difficulty and it took us a good few months trying to pass ONLY THE FIRST PART (HIGH MEDICAL - CLIMAX OF THE ROOFTOP).
Although my partner killed me several times (I want to believe that by mistake) and the difficulty of the game did not help at all because just at the beginning of the game we had one of the strongest and muscular enemies of the game, even so we could reach the rooftop. The idea is to resist a total of 3 waves killing 3 muscular bosses to escape in the helicopter which first surrounds the roof before landing hahaha this made me quite desperate because I got to a point where I could get to him, but for not knowing the mechanics of surrounding the roof I was eaten by the Zombie.
“You have killed Jcamacho” thank you ''FRIEND''
To defend the rooftop you have several weapons such as a machine gun on the roof. What hospital doesn't have a machine gun? And bombs which you can place around the stage and go shooting exploding. To say that even the janitor's grandmother came to the roof would be an understatement with the MASSIVE WAVE OF WEIRD, ZOMBIE, AND MUSCLE BUGS THAT WERE SPREAKING ALL OVER THE PLACE. From running in every possible direction to avoid being killed to grabbing Molotov and throwing it at the enemies to avoid being hit by them, here are some images of my suffering.
Just as you start the game you see this... 😊 just kill me to restart 😊.
My “friend” escaping in the helicopter thanks to my sacrifice.
Most significant achievement
Of all the times I tried to pass it I think the achievement I was most excited to get was this one, because the hunter throws itself at you pretty fast and hitting it in the air just when it's close enough is quite a challenge.
Would I buy it again? Of course I would, I had never really played the game and so far I'm liking it a lot, as it makes me spend quite entertaining moments insulting my “friend” who kills me by “accident” to get on the helicopter hahahaha even so removing the difficulty that is not at all balanced, (since a boss appears waiting for you right at the start of the game) and the fact that some mechanics of the helpers controlled by the game are not entirely useful I think it's a good game to share with a friend and to spend a pleasant enough time, on the other hand having already finished the part of the roof I realized that in the next scenario THE HELICOPTER FALLS.... Can someone explain me how that can happen in this game? I laughed a lot writing the post remembering this part of the game and everything we went through just finishing this part. Comment, share and vote, see you later survivor of a Zombie catastrophe that kills your “friend.”
“In memory of: Louis, Francis and JCAMACHO”
Images captured by me from the game and my personal Steam.
Decir que este juego me costó bastante pasarlo con mi compañero seria ser muy modesto y es que sin duda la dificultad de este juego NO es una dificultad apropiada para todo el mundo MAS AUN cuando la mitad de nuestro equipo es controlado por el propio juego y NO juegan como nosotros, aun asi aceptamos la dificultad IMPOSIBLE y nos costó unos buenos meses tratar de pasar SOLO LA PRIMERA PARTE (ALTA MEDICA – CLIMAX DE LA AZOTEA).
A pesar de que mi compañero me mato en varias ocasiones (quiero creer que por equivocación) y la dificultad del juego no ayudo para nada ya que justo al empezar el juego nos venia uno de los enemigos musculoso y más fuertes del juego, aun asi pudimos llegar a la Azotea. La idea es resistir un total de 3 oleadas matando a 3 jefes musculosos para huir en el helicóptero el cual primero rodea la azotea antes de aterrizar jajaja esto me desesperaba bastante ya que llego un punto donde pude llegar a él, pero por no saber su mecanica de rodear la azotea me comieron los Zombie.
“Ha matado a Jcamacho” gracias “AMIGO"
Para defender la Azotea tienes varias armas como una ametralladora en el techo ¿Qué hospital no tiene una ametralladora? Y bombas las cuales puedes poner por el escenario e ir explotando disparando. Decir que vino a la azotea hasta la abuela de la conserje seria quedarme corto con la OLEADA TAN MASIVA DE BICHOS RAROS, ZOMBIE, Y MUSCULOSOS QUE NOS ASECHABAN POR TODO EL SITIO. Desde correr en todas las direcciones posibles para que no nos matara hasta ir agarrando molotov y lanzarla a los enemigos para no ser alcanzado por ellos, aquí algunas imágenes de mi sufrimiento.
Justo al empezar el juego ves esto… 😊 ya mátame para reiniciar 😊
Mi “amigo” escapando en el helicóptero gracias a mi sacrificio.
Logro más significativo
De todas las veces que intente pasarlo creo que el logro que mas me emociono sacar fue este, ya que el hunter se te lanza bastante rapido y golpearlo en el aire justo cuando este lo suficientemente cerca es todo un reto.
¿Lo volvería a comprar? Por supuesto que sí, realmente el juego nunca lo había jugado y hasta ahora me está gustando bastante, ya que me hace pasar ratos bastantes entretenidos insultado a mi “amigo” que me mata por “accidente” para montarse él en el helicóptero jajajajaj aun asi quitando la dificultad que no está para nada equilibrada, (ya que te aparece un jefe esperándote justo al iniciar la partida) y el hecho de que algunas mecanicas de los ayudantes controlados por el juego no sean del todo utiles me parece un buen juego para compartir con un amigo y poder pasar un rato bastante agradable, por otro lado ya habiendo terminado la parte de la azotea me di cuenta que en el próximo escenario EL HELICOPTERO SE CAE… Alguien me puede explicar ¿cómo eso puede pasar en este juego? Me reí bastante escribiendo el post recordando esta parte del juego y todo lo que pasamos terminando solo esta parte. Comenta, comparte y vota, hasta luego sobreviviente de una catástrofe Zombie que mata a su “amigo.”
“En memoria de: Louis, Francis y JCAMACHO”
Imágenes capturadas por mí del juego y mi Steam personal.
Left4Dead is a fantastic series and it deserves all the praise it receives. Do you have L4D2? The majority of the community has moved on to that.
I took advantage of the steam offer and I bought part 1 and 2, I also gave those to my friend to pass it with him. I'm waiting to finish one with my friend to go to two.
Oh, all of the L4D 1 campaigns are in L4D 2. Only reason you would want to play it is if you're wanting the achievements
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El equipo de curación del PROYECTO ENTROPÍA
Gracias 🥰
I have never played any game on the highest difficulty, tried a couple of games but realised quickly that it is hoing to be a slow torture lol. So I respect anyone who attempts to play games with the high difficulty settings.
thanks, the truth is costing us a lot, if you have already tried the high difficulty you will know that playing it this way and accompanied is really difficult (if you play it with a friend the difficulty increases).