Are you a hoarder?
I am a hoarder!
These bubble wraps are from the items I ordered online, normally it gets thrown away but to me I always thought I have something to make use of it someday. I am just afraid to tell myself "I told you so" and regret 😆
I learned being a hoarder because of my course.. I get to see my classmates saving items because they make use of it after, making it part of their sculptures and make a DIY.
I remember saving a lot of items for several years but ended up throwing it away because I no longer have space in my room...
I'm practicing letting go now 😆 but I have to go through a lot of thinking first before doing it and I decided to save these bubble wraps today!
Good Morning!
Good Morning!
As for me, I won’t really consider myself one, but I cherish good packaging so much. If I buy a new phone today, I can keep the pack till God knows when (not like bubble wraps though, I’ll just burst and discard them after😂). Not for the fact that I might later need it, but I just want to keep it because it makes me feel good, lol.
I save phone boxes too! Yey we same! 😆
Posted via D.Buzz
I admit😂😂
Ahhhhh, bubble wrap is like a stress reliever ee. I love to pop it and patunugin, ang sarap baga sa feelings, lol.
Hahaha truest
Posted via D.Buzz
It’s easy to get caught up in keeping things more than we should haha. I know I’ve done it with a lot of things! The good part is letting some of it go though, so that you can get things cleaned up and feel better. I myself would never keep the bubble wrap though lol that’s just trash.