The Habit of Eating, Which Food, When to Eat & Why It Should Be Eaten


Our health is very paramount to the extent that we should always take good care of what is taken in.Our habit of eating should be concerned, which food would be good for the body, when to eat that food and why I should be eating that particular food. We can't grant to poison our body system before we take the necessary actions to address. It's prudent to rather take the action to prevent it from happening.


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Many of our food products today are seriously infected with toxins due to a lot of chemicals we use on food crops. This is associated with a lot of diseases we hear from our media on daily basis.

We have learnt that Balance diet is a diet that contain all the six classes of essential nutrients such as carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins, mineral salt, fat and oil and water. The fact is that many of our people today have taken some conscious effort by keenly following these principles of balancing their diets to meet the body requirements. But, what we have noted is that these balance diets have already been poisoned.

We have balanced the diet alright but it doest serve the right purpose since the foods are contaminated.

At first we just here of some common disease like Goiter which comes on to the person as a result of absence of iodine in food. The affected people are then advised by the nutritionist to add some iodated food supplement. Scurvy, kwashiorkor and rickets are said to be nutritional deficiency diseases. Lack of protein in babies would seriously lead to kwashiorkor in babies which seriously retards their growth. Scurvy is caused by lack of some vitamins sources like fruits. The bones of babies become weak. The teeth is being deformed. Ricket is associated with lack of vitamin D. As we know the function of vitamins its deficiency would cause weak bones.

The above mentioned diseases were vary common to hear affecting our body systems if we fail to check our diets accordingly. But lately there are a lot of diseases which have come to stay. Most are having strange names and many others that our societies don't even know their route and how they came.

Some of these diseases are hypertension which even familiar. Stroke which at first we know it has been contracted with the most affluent people and the aged. Prostrate enlargement, hepatitis B, diabetes and typhoid. At first it was uncommon to hear that many people have been attacked by all the above mentioned diseases.

Apart from few cases of stress and lack of exercise for the body which may be associated with hypertension and Stroke, most of these diseases are due to our food we eat, the water we drink. We have infected the foods with chemicals from planting stage to consumer who buy from market to eat.

We must seriously check which kind of food to eat, when to eat and why it should be eating. This very important so that we don't over poison the body with lots of chemicals.

We have right to consume every food we lay our hands on, but not all are good for our health conditions. For most of us we eat according to what our appetite tells us to eat without checking if it benefits our health issues. To many people too, due to poverty they eat what they get on market or what their pocket money can afford.

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For the time to eat the good food most of us haven't tune their minds to check. What I know is that many of us eat when they are hungry. They don't even have a menu list or nutritional plan guiding them of what they should eat at a particular time. The eat everything if they are hungry. We need to be careful of that.

For instance, among our societies here in Ghana, for most women traveling by car on road could buy any food the Hawkers have been selling without considering how beneficial it would give to the body.

We must therefore know the reasons of eating a particular diet at a particular time of the day. What is this food going to do to me at this time that I've eaten; is it going to build up some muscles for football or athletic? We must at least put ourselves on specific diet that helps our body. But not just eating what satisfy us.

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This is very educative . People should have this In mind before eating what they feel like eating. Is this food healthy? Is this the right food to eat at a particular time.


Sure! We should analyse the kind of food we eat if it's good for our health.


Great content,people just eat whatever they get without considering the content,as to whether it’s good or bad. The food we eat really play a significant role in our lives but people look down on that . Your content is really educative


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