Slim Chance, Escaping From Death Through Car Which Took Motion When Packing


Sometimes conversation can let you be conscious of yourself and do the right thing. Crossing road, standing by the road side or as a pedestrian using the road side must be careful to avoid any calamity happening to you. Any little mistake can lead to bad news.

It all began on one Monday after school when I decided to meet a friend some business schedules at one of our nearby towns. I was lucky to have been picked by a friend in the same school who was also going to the same place for different purpose.

Upon arrival, I called my friend to meet me at the ongoing new court house which building is on progress.



We stood behind the road side leading to the traffic light which was closed to the court house. Shortly, my friend came and we began conversation of different topic which even doesn't concern the business I purposely came for. I, my friend who used his motor bike to pick me and my business partner making three in this conversation.

We stood there for almost 45mins chatting. All of a sudden, we heard people shouting! "Move away from the place you're standing, there is danger coming!!!" In fact we were very confused and didn't actually know where the danger was coming from; either to move left, right or forward. The shouting continually coming, so we had to do something immediately to escape from that danger and run for our lives.

Not knowing that the danger was a car coming without a Driver. It was packing and all of a sudden it began to move. The place wasn't a steep slope. I moved some steps forward and fell on the road with my mobile phone dismantle onto the road. My friend with the motor bike fell as he was moving and the motor bike fell on him. My business partner also moved to the left side. All we realized was the car passing just exact place we were standing and hit the fence of the new court building.

We were being saved by God and the people who were coming from the other side of the road and saw the car coming. When every thing was resolved and we found the owner who has packed the car for couple of hours, he told us that the car was faulty and he has even decided to take it to fitting shop. He put the car to correct gear but he didn't know the reason why it began to be in motion that nearly caused accident.

In fact that was my first time a vehicle had tempted me. We stood for some minutes and advised ourselves that never should we joke with the road side. No matter what conversation or important thing we are sharing anytime we are on the side of the road we should be conscious that any accident can come from no where and as such be very careful.

God being so good, the two of us weren't hurt but my friend who was using the motor bike got small cut on his left leg when the motor bike fell on him. I had to ride his motor bike and take him to a nearby clinic for first aid. That was really terrifying incident which nearly kill me and my friends.


Friends, we should not joke while walking on the road. Because any accident can happen at any time. Thank God you survived the accident


It's true, we shouldn't joke with roads.


I still have a Scar from an incident like this.
I was on a bike with the bike man and suddenly the car also kicked itself and came upon a bump on the road, climbed on it and headed in our direction.
We both feel and I carried the scar till date.
My only saving grace was that someone from outside the car, ran to it and used his hand to turn the wheels to another direction.. I would have directly ride upon us.
Thank God for grace.


That was very lucky on your side. Thanks for passing by.


Like you said we should stand close to the road to chat, because it can be very dangerous, thanks for sharing!


Yes, it's really dangerous to stand at the road side.
