[ENG-SPN] Believing is the key / Creer es la clave
If we are to accept the facts, as reported by the Evangelists, where, with the exception of John, both Luke, Matthew and Mark, agree in their statements, I cannot help but consider the apostle Thomas as the father of a rationalism that has kept broad sectors of society divided since approximately the year 33, with debates that continue to be characterized by heated disagreements, which mark an apparently insurmountable barrier between the defenders of extreme testing and those others, possibly more willing and humble, who advocate, without hesitation, belief.
Putting your finger on the wound, as happened to the incredulous Thomas, should be, at the very least, an invitation to reflection, marking a turning point, leaving a door open, so that both parties could sign an agreement. customary law of non-aggression, taking into account that, although rationalism, with Science at the helm, seems to be currently experiencing a golden age, it is no less true that there are many things that still escape its understanding and seem to pay the price. field of a belief, where possibly the key to everything lies.
Si hemos de aceptar los hechos, tal y como los relatan los Evangelistas, donde, a excepción de Juan, tanto Lucas, como Mateo y Marcos, coinciden en sus afirmaciones, no puedo menos que considerar al apóstol Tomás como el padre de un racionalismo que ha mantenido divididos a amplios sectores de la sociedad, desde el año 33, aproximadamente, con debates que continúan caracterizándose por unas encendidas desavenencias, que marcan una barrera, al parecer, infranqueable, entre los defensores de la prueba a ultranza y aquellos otros, posiblemente más voluntariosos y humildes, que abogan, sin dudar, por la creencia.
Poner el dedo en la llaga, como le sucedió al incrédulo Tomás, debería de ser, cuando menos, una invitación a la reflexión, que marcara un punto de inflexión, dejando una puerta abierta, para que, tanto unos como otros, firmaran un pacto consuetudinario de no agresión, teniendo en cuenta, que, si bien el racionalismo, con la Ciencia a la cabeza, parece estar viviendo actualmente una época dorada, no es menos cierto que hay muchas cosas que se escapan todavía a su comprensión y parecen abonar el campo de una creencia, donde, posiblemente esté la clave de todo.
NOTICE: Both the text and the accompanying photographs are my exclusive intellectual property and are therefore subject to my Copyright.
AVISO: Tanto el texto, como las fotografías que lo acompañan, son de mi exclusiva propiedad intelectual y por lo tanto, están sujetos a mis Derechos de Autor.
So do you mean that all of these people were actually putting their hands on their scars by covering them?
What I want to say is that we should maintain an adequate balance between rationalism and belief, above all, because life and the universe are very complex and even Science is realizing, the more it delves into its studies, that nothing obeys to chance and that there seems to be a hand, unknowable and ungraspable, that moves in the shadows and which, of course, cannot be measured, classified and put in a test tube. And all this, beyond the controversies and expectations that generated the discovery of the Higgs boson, which was also called 'the God particle'. Shakespeare also put it on the lips of his best-known character, Hamlet, Prince of Denmark: there are more things in heaven and on earth than your philosophy dreams of.
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