[ENG-SPN] A fragment of the Magical Soria / Un fragmento de la Soria Mágica


Although now its prolonged deterioration stirs consciences, there was a time, lost in those inextricable medieval mists, when it was the most important of the caliphal fortresses on this side of a border, the one delimited by the Duero River, which separated what then it was already taken for granted as the two Spains: that of the Christian Reconquest, whose resurgence began in the impenetrable mountains of Covadonga at the hands of the noble Pelayo, and the Muslim one, an invasion that occurred through the Strait of Gibraltar and the mythical Columns of Hercules.


They say, the residents of the nearby town of Gormaz, a place located in the middle of what we could well call the happy Soria, that still, when the wind sneaks strongly between the innumerable crevices of its powerful walls, it seems to bring with it, to take away Far later, the screams immortalized in the horror of the assailants, the defenders and the captives, on both sides, who one day battled and found burial there, on the edge of some fields, whose curious chromaticism also seems to contain all the blood that was spilled one day.


Si bien ahora, su prolongado deterioro remueve conciencias, hubo un tiempo, perdido en esas inextricables brumas medievales, en el que fue la más importante de las fortalezas califales a este lado de una frontera, la delimitada por el río Duero, que separaba lo que entonces ya se daba por hecho como las dos Españas: la de la Reconquista cristiana, cuyo resurgir comenzó en las impenetrables montañas de Covadonga de la mano del noble Pelayo y la musulmana, invasión que se produjo a través del Estrecho de Gibraltar y las míticas Columnas de Hércules.


Dicen, los vecinos del cercano pueblecito de Gormaz, lugar situado en medio de lo que bien podríamos denominar como la Soria feliz, que todavía, cuando el viento se cuela con fuerza entre los innumerables resquicios de sus poderosas murallas, parece traer consigo, para llevarse lejos después, los gritos inmortalizados en el horror de los asaltantes, los defensores y los cautivos, de uno y otro bando, que un día batallaron y encontraron sepultura allí, a la vera de unos campos, cuyo curioso cromatismo parece contener, también, toda la sangre que un día se derramó.


NOTICE: Both the text and the accompanying photographs are my exclusive intellectual property and are therefore subject to my Copyright.
AVISO: Tanto el texto, como las fotografías que lo acompañan, son de mi exclusiva propiedad intelectual y por lo tanto, están sujetos a mis Derechos de Autor.



This building has a way I can’t even explain
Looks really good and nice
Thank you for sharing!


Despite its ruin and abandonment, it still offers a good perspective of the greatness it once had.


Hi friend @juancar347 hope you're doing well.
lovely photography and honestly these ruins have been through lots of history.
Lovely publications, keep posting.
Happy weekend:)


Indeed: a lot of history and many architectural reviews that help enrich our knowledge about the skills and wisdom of our ancestors. Thank you very much for your comment and a happy weekend to you too.
