The secret



They met one magical night in an art gallery. It was love at first sight and soon they were involved in an intense and passionate relationship. Lonely nights were filled with romantic dates and promises whispered under the cover of darkness.

But over time, she began to notice cracks in what seemed perfect. He would be absent without explanation, not answering calls and giving empty excuses. Soon, rumors began to circulate like poison: there were other women, nights when he wasn't alone.

She didn't want to believe it, but the pain in her chest forced her to face the harsh reality. One afternoon, while checking her emails on the terrace, a message from a mutual friend brought her world crashing down: “I saw you with another one last night. You don't deserve this.”

Her heart shattered as she read it and tears welled uncontrollably. She knew it deep down, but seeing it so raw and direct was devastating. At that moment, she vowed to find out the truth for herself.

That same night, determined, she stealthily followed him as he mysteriously left. She saw him enter a gloomy alley and disappear behind a hidden door. Summoning up her courage, she followed him and what she saw when she entered left her paralyzed: he was not alone, there was a whole congregation of people performing a dark ritual.

The mystery deepened the more she probed. Who were these people? What sordid cult was he involved in? She was determined to get to the bottom of that secret, no matter what terrible truths she might discover.
