
Hello everyone, I want to tell you a fictional story about what I titled ‘’the stingy taxi driver. It’s going to be didactic and a lot more.

There was a certain man Ephraim by name. He lived in a city called ‘’the lord is here’’, he was the second son to Mr and Mrs Edward. He got married to a beautiful lady Agnes by name. The marriage was blessed with three girls and one boy. Both of them got married at a very tender age.

Five years after their marriage, Ephraim told his wife and children that he was not happy about how things were going with them. He told them his elder brother gave him a huge amount of money to purchase a taxi so he would use it and take proper care of his family, his wife knelt and thanked God for answering her prayers.

His wife asked him to give her at least five thousand naira, so she could go to the market and get food since there was no food. Immediately he heard the last part of the statement, he said to his wife I rebuke you in the name of my forefathers that I serve.


Don’t you know that money meant for business should only be used for business? Are you finding it difficult to understand what I’m saying? Please don’t get me upset before I change my mind.
He removed two thousand naira from the money offered to him and gave it to his wife
He also asked his wife to prepare a soup that would last for two weeks so that she wouldn’t demand money again. She cried out in a loud voice and said to him, I am finished. So you want to tell me that you can manage two thousand naira for two weeks? And he kept mute.

He left his wife and children to purchase a taxi for himself, when he arrived there everything went on smoothly, and he returned home rejoicing. The following day was Tuesday, he went out very early so he could see passengers, he returned home that night with ten thousand naira which he showed to his wife and children. The business was booming for about twelve months, but he still failed to do his duty as the father that he was.

Due to the maltreatment he mated her, she decided to steal twenty thousand naira from her husband’s trousers and establish herself without telling her husband.
When people asked her why she did that, she told them he had refused to take care of her and her children for over twelve months.

She told them that if not for the money that she used to establish herself, it would have been worse for her and her children.
A woman asked her what he had been using his money for, She told her that each time she demanded money he always told her that he had used it for his daily savings.

He even told her that even the bible says people should keep their treasures where they would not rust and that is exactly what he’s doing. That woman couldn’t utter a word when everything was revealed to her.

After maltreating the woman for fifteen good years, he decided to divorce her, and when his wife asked him why he divorced her he said she was old and could not stay in his house. He told her, she should go out and find her match and that as for him, his match was already on her way.

She didn’t know what to say at that moment because she knew he was getting the wrong advice from his friends.
She left with her children and rented an apartment in the same city and settled down there with her children. She was able to give her children all the love and care their father couldn’t give to them, and she earned a lot of respect from them.

Three months after she packed out of her husband’s house, she saw one of her neighbors back then who lived quite close to her husband’s house, and she asked her about her husband’s new wife and she told her that he hadn’t married any other woman.

She said according to him, he did that so he could free himself from a mermaid sent to destroy him in the form of a wife. She wanted to confront him and also find out why he called her a mermaid, but the woman stopped her.

She was curious to know why she stopped her, and she was told that he died a few days ago, when he realized the money he said he was saving was nowhere to be found. His adviser used his money to bury his mother who had been in the mortuary for more than four years, and when he heard about it he died out of shock.

His wife cried because that was a great loss. She said to that lady who narrated the incident to her that had it been he taken her as his adviser this incident wouldn’t have occurred, but because he
Preferred an outsider to an insider which is why he vanished away so quickly.

In conclusion, in whatever one does, one must always be fair in dealing with people because no one knows tomorrow.

Thank you for reading through my post.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


We can never know what tomorrow would say, we should learn to deal carefully with other people.
Nice story.


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