Parents Should not Interfere on their Children's Career Choices!


Hello, good afternoon members of the hive family. It’s my pleasure to relate to you the experience that I had this morning when I was in school. Please don’t feel so reluctant to go through this post , I’m much assured that your life will be impacted positively once you’re done reading, God bless you.

I left my house at about 7.30 am to school, but it took me about an hour plus before I arrived at the school premises. So as I was about to enter the school through the school gate, I saw a beautiful damsel. She was about six feet tall, she was fair in complexion, and about lanky in shape. We exchanged pleasantries , but I noticed she was crying and I decided to enquire from her what the issue was, but she couldn’t stop crying. I still refused to let go of her , and she agreed to share it with me.

She told me her name is Christiana, and she has two brothers and two sisters, and she happen to be the first child to her parent. She said her career choice was to become a medical doctor, and she had always dreamt of that, she did everything to make sure she Succeeds. After her secondary school, she attended a tutorial class that would help her actualize her goals, the subjects she offered were related to medical field. But immediately the jamb form was out, her mother took her to a near-by CBT centre and chose a career that was quite different from what she was aspiring for. She chose human kinetics for her, but according to her, she insisted that she won’t be able to cope with the course , but she refused to adhere.

Two months to the CBT exams, she paid someone to organized tutorial classes for her at home, and the tutor did as he was commanded. Fortunately for her, she wrote the exams successfully, and she was admitted into human kinetics department to study physical and health education, in the university o f uyo. She complained bitterly that ever since she entered that department, she’s been having carry over ever semester, and it’s irritating, and there’s no particular course she’s good at unlike other of her coursemates .Then I asked about her next plan was, and she said, she wants to re-write jamb again with the money she’s been able to make. And I asked her again, if she’s sure her parents won’t be mad at her, and she responded that she will relate it to them once the result is out .

So I pleaded with her to atleast relate her experiences to them , but she still insisted. It’s one thing to love, and it’s another thing for understand other people’s feelings .No one should joke or overlook what will bring hatred and unforgiveness to both our children, family and society. This generation is far more better than the previous generations when it was so difficult to detect what a child would become ,but that is very easy in our generation.

Some children know their career at a very tender age, and some and some get’s to know theirs once they grow up and become more mature, and differentiate between good and evil, as well as life and death .Children are the ones responsible for their future and not their parents. Nowadays, parents don’t allow their children to decide for themselves, they control every aspect of their life. How then do we expect them to perform perfectly in their academics in particular. I believe children has freedom of choice just like any other person in the world. They should be allowed to chose what they’re good at ,and stop wasting their time on what they’re not good at. Encouragement, care, financial support and prayers, is what they really need from you.

In conclusion, I’m appealing to our parents and guidance who are reading this post to please allow their children to chose for themselves, so that they won’t blame them for their misfortunes.

Thank you for reading through my content.

I am joyben.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Thanks for sharing your story. Great lesson there for parents.

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While I don’t think this is the correct community for this particular topic I do think the purpose of it is important. There are some exceptions to this situation like if the girl wanted to be a prostitute but that isn’t common.

The girl here certainly has a lot to be frustrated about and I can think of many situations similar. I know that some parents and cultures can try to push these things which is unfortunate but I think the tide is changing in terms of how common this is. I think this is happening far less often thankfully!
