Relationship Red Flags// Hive-Reachout weekly prompt 39.



Hello everyone!!! Welcome once to my blog, hope you are doing great. I'm delighted to share with you my insight on the Hive-Reachout weekly prompt topic "Relationship Red Flags". Join me as we dive into understanding some of the red flags in a relationship.

First of all, for any relationship to succeed, both partners involved must be willing and ready to strive together and make the relationship succeed. Is so unfortunate that in most Relationship, the sincerity, trust, love and other essential attributes are lacking.

Relationship Red Flags is one of the most important thing to take note of in any relationship. Red flags are warning signs that everyone need to watch out for in a relationship most especially when planning to step into marriage. Some of the signs to watch out for in a relationship include:


  1. Secretiveness: Some people are so secretive in their life that they can be doing something behind your back without you knowing. There are people involved in relationship that can hide things from their partners for a very long time without them knowing. A good example, from my pass experience was secretive calls and chats. Some partners are good with secret calls and chats.
    When partners make secretive calls and chats with other people on a constant basis, then it’s a sign that they are involved with something or someone else. What important calls is it that your partner cannot pick at your presence that will warrant them excusing themselves and move somewhere else to make calls. This secretive calls and chats was how I got to know that my ex-girlfriend was cheating. Each time I’m with her and this particular person calls, she will excuse herself and walk out to pick the call. One day I followed her behind, curious to hear her conversation with the person she’s talking with and I found out that she was double dating. We have been dating for 3 years not knowing that she was dating the other guy for over a year and half.
    Some people are so secretive that all the social apps on their phones have password. They claim is their privacy and they hide things from their partners. When you don’t know your partners phone password and you can access their phones or peradventure you asked them for their password and they refused to give you, they nag or complain, when you ask them of the particular person they always talk to and chat with and they complain, then something is fishing and is definitely a red flag. You should be able to know your partner's password and the person he/she is constantly talking with.


2, When you partner is not proud of you in public, when he/she cannot introduce you properly as their fiancé, boyfriend or girlfriend to their friends or family then is a sign that they are not really into you. Personally, I see no reason why the person you are in a relationship with will introduce you as just a friend to their friends, colleagues or family. If they cannot introduce you properly in public, if they can’t be proud of you, if they can’t defend you in public, then it’s definitely a sign that they are not into you and probably playing or cruising with you. Your partner should be able to talk to you politely when they are with friends. They should introduce you properly as fiancé boyfriend or girlfriend. They should be ready to defend you when someone tries to disrespect you.


3, Violence. There are people who can hide their true nature and character for a long time from their partners but the truth is no matter how long they choose to hide their true nature and character, it will definitely manifest someday. The moment someone raise their hand to slap or hit you, even if it is by mistake or out of anger, it is sign of abuse in a relationship. They can slap you today, tomorrow they will slap and kick you, next time, they will beat you up.
Violence may not necessary be slapping or hitting someone, some words can be violent too. So the moment you notice that your partner is becoming violent either by hitting you or by using abusive words on you constantly, then it’s a red flag and you are advice to free that relationship and walk away before it becomes a toxic and abusive relationship.


4, Communication: Communication is a very vital ingredient in any relationship. It spices up relationship and it’s the means by which partners can talk to each other, share feeling, ideas, thought, secret with. You can’t claim that you are in a relationship with someone when you don’t hear from them. When the way you use to communicate with your partner before is longer the same, then is a sign that the partner is losing interest in the relationship. Even in distance relationship, the major ingredient that keeps the relationship going is communication. No matter the busy schedules, if you are in a relationship with someone, you will always create time to hear from them. Five minutes of your time out of the 24 hours in a day will not stop your partner from achieving their daily task. How can you say you are in a relationship with someone and you haven’t heard from that person for over a week? How can you say you are in a relationship when you cannot communicate freely, you can’t share your secrets, feelings, thoughts, ideas with the person? Think twice.

It is better for you to have a broken relationship than to ignore the warmings and red flags and have a broken marriage. Ignoring the red flags in a relationship may lead to a tragic ending. Do the right thing and stay safe. Thanks for spearing time to read through. I will love to hear your thought.


0.062 NEOXAG


Can you imagine!? I wonder how people cope well with double dating. It's a lot of work to be invested in one person, talk more of two, three, etc. It's just so unfair.

0.000 NEOXAG

Honestly I don't really get it. Like some people are so good at that, them don't even feel remus , they see it as a normal thing. I don't think I can cope with such people. Is really unfair..

0.000 NEOXAG