Entrenamiento de frontlever en el Venoil ! [ESP - ENG]
Hola hivers de Hive y SWC, hoy le traigo algunas fotos que tomé el día de ayer entrenando frontlever en el venoil, empecé calentando al rededor de 12 minutos ya que como dormí poco no me queria arriesgar a calentar mal y poderme lesionar, luego de calentar, empecé a lanzar fronts, me llevé la sorpresa que me salieron mucho más derechos de lo que esperaba, tambien intenté algunas pull ups, unos presses, fueron pocos ya que me cansé un poco rapido, luego de esto empecé mi rutina la cual fueron pull ups en tuck adv frontlever para agregarle volumen a mi front, luego de eso lancé presses en half frontlever, despues unos muscle ups y dominadas explosivas, en las cuales me acompaño el hermano menor de chiqui, terminamos con eso y me puse a hacer un poco de basicos y pelicanos (un ejerccio básico para hefesto y bicep) terminé y me fui a mi casa a estirar ya que la verdad me costo bastante el entreno.
Hello hivers of Hive and SWC, today I bring you some pictures that I took yesterday training frontlever in the venoil, I started warming up about 12 minutes because as I slept little I did not want to risk to warm up wrong and could injure myself, after warming up, I started to throw fronts, I was surprised that I got much more straight than I expected, I also tried some pull ups, some presses, they were few because I got tired a little fast, after this I started my routine which were pull ups in tuck adv frontlever to add volume to my front, after that I launched presses in half frontlever, then some muscle ups and explosive pull ups, in which I was accompanied by the younger brother of chiqui, we finished with that and I started to do some basics and pelicans (a basic exercise for hefesto and bicep) I finished and went home to stretch because the truth is that the training cost me a lot.
Contenido original por José Muñoz
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Saludos @josef-999
Greetings @josef-999
Gracias por el apoyo !