Why Are Wealthy People Financially Unpredictable?


I read a post a while ago about a Twitter user who was selling a particular product for ten times its actual price. I believe they chose Twitter as a marketing tool for their product, and it generated enormous interest.

So people were not engaging this business owner because they wanted to buy the product; rather, they were surprised that a normal business person would inflate the price of a regular product with alternatives simply because it came with some form of packaging.

So, I believe the owner of the person was asked why they chose to inflate the price of the product, and the seller implied that their target audience was wealthy people.

The idea was that people who are not rich would automatically think the product is expensive, whereas rich people would not and would most likely only buy the product because of the additional packaging.

Underestimating A Target Audience Is A Recipe For Failure

I disagree with the concept of the seller because the general public misinterprets the typical lifestyle of a wealthy person. We believe that a person's spending habits or lifestyle are determined by his or her level of wealth.

While wealthy people spend a lot of money, they rarely waste it, unless their money or source of income is obtained illegally.

Where I come from, we say that people do not get rich by wasting; however, wasting is not the same as spending, and we sometimes confuse the two.

Spending and wasting are both ways of disposing of money, but the former is done so strategically and purposefully, whereas the latter is done so without strategy, without the intention of recouping profits, and possibly for the sole purpose of entertainment.

This is not to say that rich people do not waste money; there are wealthy people in the world who travel in expensive yachts, take endless vacations, wear expensive wrist watches, and donate millions of dollars to charities.

However, they are aware that the majority of the money they spend on these activities is most likely part of their disposable income.

When wealthy people have fun, they spend lavishly, and the expense or cost of the fun they have can sometimes be decades greater than a regular person's annual salary, but they do this consciously, knowing how much they earn and how much they spend.

However, rich people dislike being taken for fools, so they prefer to be fools on their own terms. They can choose to purchase outrageously expensive items, but you cannot force them to spend in the manner you desire unless they do so on their own terms.


In reality, money has no value unless we spend it, which is why money in the bank, crypto, or USDT are worthless unless we convert them to physical cash and use them to improve our lives by purchasing comfort, necessity, and value.

As a result, the wealthiest individuals spend the most money. When your target audience is wealthy, you must provide the exact value they desire and do so in a very unique way, rather than providing standard products that are available anywhere and expecting them to pay a high price for your product out of the goodness of their heart.

I watch television shows in which wealthy people seek out unique luxury items, such as food or entertainment. When you look around, restaurants that serve the most unique and exotic food in the world can charge a lot of money because their services are rare and unique, and you will have to pay a lot of money to get access to them.

Have you ever wondered why we have special edition cars where only 100 or 200 are produced and the prices are ten times higher than the standard versions? This is because these special editions are intended for wealthy people.

Rich people want exclusivity.

They want to own the rarest items and spend the most money, so that they are the only ones competing with themselves. This is because their money can already buy regular things, and as a result, they no longer want to compete with ordinary people.

If your product is not unique enough, you will never get them to pay more than the regular fees simply because they are wealthy and expected to be wasteful.

Most wealthy people who can intentionally afford to be wasteful made many sacrifices to become wealthy; in fact, along the way, they may have done some unconventional things to give themselves an unfair advantage, and it can be a lot of sacrifice to become wasteful without intent or in order to achieve comfort or exclusivity.

Emotional Spending

So, I believe the seller of that product made some terrible mistakes, one of which was not providing exclusive services and expecting their target audience to be wasteful or overpaying them out of the goodness of their heart.

It is impossible to predict how wealthy people behave. Some of them are completely unpredictable, particularly in terms of how and why they spend their money.

To determine what we may produce, we can examine the behavioral patterns of a prospective target audience and predict what they are willing to pay any amount for or what they are unwilling to overpay for.

There are so many wealthy people out there, and sometimes they spend in ways that seem foolish, but if you look closely, you will discover that they are paying for things that can only be affordable by themselves, and the longer they continue, the more insatiable they become and the thirstier they become for things that are rare and exclusive.

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Interested in some more of my works

Is it Easy To Make Money?
Nigeria: A Unique Business Market & Industry
Virtual Bank Apps In Nigeria: An Experience Of Gamification
How To Find The Next "BIG" Meme Coin
Personal Finance: Achieving Intentional "Saving" Goals
Playing The Survival Game: Human Nature In Introspection
"Un-PAYING" The Debt You Owe


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64.506 NEOXAG


It is impossible to predict how wealthy people behave. Some of them are completely unpredictable, particularly in terms of how and why they spend their money.
There are so many wealthy people out there, and sometimes they spend in ways that seem foolish

This is very accurate. Eehh! I got defeated in trying to understand wealthy people's spending when I came across the guy who bought art of a duck taped banana on the wall for $6.2M just to eat it. I don't even wanna know his "why" for that spending because no valid reason can ever help me recover from that shock. 😊.

The classic one I gave up following the progress is of a Hong Kong billionaire offering $120 Million to any man who can turn his lesbian daughter straight. Unfortunately all his billions still cannot afford that!🤔

I guess I will stick to understanding those who pay for exclusivity which also aligns with better security, efficiency and privacy.

0.003 NEOXAG

The guy who bought a banana art is called Justin Sun and funny enough he was the reason why Hive forked from the former Blockchain when he tried to buy the community in 2020.
So he's truly rich but most times he likes to put himself in the spotlight because it buys him some free advertising. He owns the Tron Blockchain as well, so these guys are always trying to make themselves relevant.

I heard he paid 2 million dollars many years ago just to have a dinner with Elon Musk, I can't remember the details of that, but it was something like that.

There are many of them out there and sometimes we can't predict what drives their desires.

It's been a long time, hopefully you'll post more often

0.300 NEOXAG

Ohh Jose.... this information is quite informative in solving the mystery of this guy. I just got to know him because of that Banana and him being big with bitcoin. So this guy just specialise in wasting money and seeking relevance indeed.

Paying $2M just to dine with Elon Musk is a slap on my face because that's another shock I'm gonna take time to recover from.😂 He really rubs his wealth on people'faces.

Long time Indeed, I need to resume posting

0.000 NEOXAG

One can't target the wealthy unless you have a luxury product that deserves the high price tag. Most rich people I know are very careful with every cent. I have a couple second cousins whose father was a billionaire, all self made and he rarely spent lavishly. His wife of course would... But the kids also are very tight with money, their father taught them well.

That guy jacking up the price to target the wealthy, what an idiot...


0.002 NEOXAG

I also felt the person is stupid to think because people are rich they'll spend their money wasteful. In reality, these guys are actually more tight-fisted than the regular population and I think they were ill-advised.

I had some rich relatives on my mother's side while growing up and these guys hardly spent their money on others. I think it's popular with people who are self-made millionaires

0.001 NEOXAG

Once my second cousins got their money, they cut off communication with most family. Not wanting to share their fortune, and pursued lawsuits against their father's former girlfriend. Greed at it's finest!

0.000 NEOXAG

Rich people want exclusivity.
They want to own the rarest items and spend the most money, so that they are the only >ones competing with themselves.

I think you mean famous people.

There are a lot of rich people you will never hear of.
The ones you see on TV are fools and won't usually maintain generational wealth.
Old money is discrete.

0.002 NEOXAG

Hahaha well you're right, we have rich people on TV who wants to spend their money on ways that's inexplicable. I think I have known some rich (maybe one or two) people offline as well that are low-key guys, but sometimes too these people wants the best and rarest of things too. I think having money just makes people want to explore many things.

0.000 NEOXAG

I agree that it's hard to predict how people behave, but I do agree that I don't think they are that dumb either. I have a feeling they would rather spend their money on something more worthwhile compared to packaging unless it was around Christmas season (because they are lazy).

0.001 NEOXAG

You're right. I also believe that most wealthy people also wouldn't spend money on things that are dumb just because it looks decently packaged.

0.000 NEOXAG

Interesting. But I have one particular question ❓ and that is; What's the secret behind this contents upvotes? I noticed that my articles in this community are not been upvoted, I will love to know what am doing wrong ? Please I really need your answers 🙏🙏🙏

0.000 NEOXAG

Make some real friends, dedicate time to leaving meaningful replies on the posts of people rather than this type you're leaving. Finally take some time to really understand the chain. It's an individual journey

0.000 NEOXAG

When we see people become famous, become rich, then the way they meet people changes, they become proud of money, then such people go back to the same world very quickly and their popularity also fades.

0.000 NEOXAG

Great post, what what kind of content is allowed in this community? I checked the community's page and I wasn't very clear on that.

0.000 NEOXAG

Well you can click the pinned post on the community page to check, but then, it's an Italian community and I'm guessing you can post if you want to.

0.000 NEOXAG

Okay, thank you.

0.000 NEOXAG

If one really wants to make more money from the wealthy people, then he or she must be able to make the product and services unique and not the regular. Something tangible enough to convince the rich that indeed, this product is worth the cost..not all wealthy people waste money
An example is my former Boss...he was once the EXXONMOBIL MD, worked for many years in oil company...he is overly wealthy but that man, he can never waste, lolz, story about him and his spending is a long one that can make a post... while I worked under him as his admin assistant and secretary, I learned a lot from him.

0.000 NEOXAG

I would think the wealthier someone is the more options they have.

Being able to trade money for time is huge

0.000 NEOXAG