What Do Women Really Want?

When I was younger, a lot of older people around me would say "leave women and make money", implying that a man with money will eventually have a good wife, a happy family, and happily ever after. This statement was not specifically about women; rather, it was a motivational statement intended to say "focus on money and leave all distractions". Why not? The statement is clear, logical, and reasonable.

Money is practical, it is actual, it solves problems that would otherwise be complicated, but it does not solve multifaceted problems that appear simple on the surface but are complex in reality.

When I was younger, I had this lady friend; we both played as kids, and as we grew older, I asked her to help me talk to another of her female friends; she flatly refused, saying I was ugly, broke, and implied that I was not healthy enough. This stuck with me: if I truly did not have money, I might as well consider staying single indefinitely, but how could I improve my health? It is a condition I was born with; even if I had unlimited money, I would still be unable to change it.

So, even if I had all the money in the world, I would not be able to get the woman I wanted for reasons that money cannot fix. However that was me being assumptive. I had not gotten out of poverty yet, but it was possible that I would, so how about my health? I lived with those words of hers for years. My financial situation improved over time, and this same lady friend came knocking, saying I was the man of her dreams and that because we were friends, we would make a good couple.

I asked her about being ugly, sick, and broke. She said I was not as broke and ugly anymore, and she can see that I have better prospects. Of course, I declined, not because of other numerous anomalies and morbidity, but because I believed that over time, she would find one reason to grow tired of me. Some people believe that money is the only thing that makes a woman happy, but this is not the case.

We cannot make an excuse for money.

This is to say that people throw money at problems that have better non-monetary solutions; they believe that because they worked so hard to get there, it should compensate for shortcomings that can also be fixed with money. I understand that making money is difficult; sometimes the amount of pain people go through to make money adds an extra layer of value to that money.

I have seen online interviews with self-made women looking for loyal men to serve as semi-dolls or slaves to them in exchange for the man's financial needs being met. This is one of the foundations of feminism, but as you can see, people misunderstand the concept of feminism; it is not about women's superiority; rather, its original intent was respect and mutual understanding.

So, when people go through a lot to make money, it makes them think that somehow, it will take care of everything else that could potentially cause a problem. However, in practice, I have realized that money can be a band-aid, a cosmetic solution to real-world, multidimensional problems.

Real-timeSex Problem

There are people who have real-time sex problems in their marriages; they complain about their husbands not being good enough in the bedroom or not being as active as they want, but they believe they can work it out because they are comfortable with the goodies that are available. Unfortunately, along the way, they begin to see the vanity in that money, the lack of happiness in that pleasure that comes with the things they could afford to buy, and as it continues, they realize "Oh goodness! I can not do this anymore".

This will lead to extramarital activities, especially if the man they married is adamant and unwilling to seek real solutions.

Some women may be like, "Oh, sex?" What is that, just make my life comfortable, I do not mind?" However, their desire to be financially comfortable leads them to believe that money is the ultimate goal. There is no satisfying a modern woman who seeks the perfect man, and vice versa.

The sex problem in marriage is not a minor issue; it has single-handedly destroyed marriages, particularly when people pursue what they believe to be futuristically promising only to realize, *hey! *The present also matters.

Perfect people (including women) do not exist.

I believe it was made possible by God, the Creator. We marry people, enjoy their strength and other qualities and learn to live with their shortcomings. Choosing who to marry and who not to marry requires understanding what you can and cannot live with. So, what do women actually want? I do not think I know.

MONEY at it's pinnacle

At the pinnacle of financial comfort, life's largest and most valuable vanities will begin to emerge.

People will get to have problems their money cannot take care of. It is ideal for people to consider more effective solutions to their problems. It can be difficult at times; money may appear to be the simplest solution, but it is the shortest and most often serves as a bandage.

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Firstly, women want money but that doesn’t mean that they love you. There are so many things money can’t buy. If you entice a woman with money and she doesn’t love you dearly, she’d surely let you down.
Have you seen cases where a man will have almost everything and satisfy his woman but you’d hear that all the children he claimed to be his are not his?
The good thing is to find the right one for we all


Well everyone knows women want money, and even the ones that has a lot wants men who will become semi-dolls. But you've stated it well. Personally I think God's, designated woman for a man is the best as we cannot truly know who is best to end up with.


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Wow big bro, your post really made me reflect on the complexities of relationships and what truly matters in all. Money might seem like the answer, but it's just one piece of the puzzle. Finding someone who genuinely cares about you is very invaluable. This is eye-opening


The moment I saw your title, I was practically screaming, "No! Don't try to think about it" and that's because women are more complicated than anything, and the more you think about it, the more breathless you become. Thus, this:

it is actual, it solves problems that would otherwise be complicated.

I spoke about the originality of feminist with a friend 2 days ago, and seeing what feminist means now is super sad. They have redefined what feminist truly mean.

About your lady friend, as a lady, there's nothing keeping me attached to such people the moment I find out who they are. People who worship others because of money and call themselves friends aren't people I roll with. I'll delete the person, lol.

The truth is that money isn't everything, just like you've outlined in your post the problem of sex as well, and as women, we are super different, so what we want differs.


Well, thank you. As for my title, me too I don't even know the answer of what women wants I feel that some women wants the blend of everything at least to a 90% level if I'm not wrong.

Feminism to some women now means being rude and wicked. I have her ladies who claim to be feminist and their attitude is something else. I probably don't know where they're getting their own definition of feminism

As for that lady friend. That's what I exactly mean. Some people just want to roll, and don't even know what they want. I think life is full of confused people who wants to do what they want and don't even know what they want the next minute.


🤣🤣🤣 the blend of 99 per cent of good things lol and that's not possible because life isn't balanced.

O.o, I just taya for them and whenever I see their posts, tweets, or talk, I just leave their midst because I can't be listening to such noise they call having a conversation from their mouth.

Yeah, confused people with no sense of reasoning. They are just there like a lifeless stick who needs a remote control of stupid things to move.


That's one of the great unanswered questions of feminine psychology. Deciphering what the feminine gender really desires. I wouldn't say it is money. And I wouldn't say it's not. I guess we will continue to probe the female nature for a very long time. But men just have to be careful in their dealings with women. That's just it. Thanks for this thoughtful write-up.


It's mostly like I've said in the post. There are things beyond money that makes a marriage work. Sometimes these key components cannot be substituted for how well a person struggles to make money


I have also heard that saying many times , "leave women and make money". To be honest I didn't understand it the way you explained right now. Thanks for modifying my mentality towards that.
Seriously speaking relationship should never have money as the corner stone because it will not last as soon there is no more money.
You really fit to be a marriage counselor, lol. Nice post @josediccus.


It's the saying of the modern world and it's really true that money is needed to maintain or make a marriage work, it's not all that's needed, just like I highlighted in the post


Very true. You really made moving points . Thanks for sharing.
I always learn anytime I visit your blog, you always impact me in one way or the other. Thanks a lot. Have a good day.


To me, what women really want don't exist. It is actually beyond imagination and such things are based on individual. Some might prefer luxurious life to moderate lifestyles while others is it vice versa. But the most important thing to me is peace of mind.


You're right, I think what they want is mostly determined by the individual and it's probably not a collective thing, but it they can be very confusing sometimes


Oh yeah, they can be confusing especially when they have lots of options on table for them.


I think you are opening Pandora's box here! 😅 I do like to watch those films where the rich person tries to woo the woman without the money being a factor in him choosing her. I think someone needs to be sensible with money, but it is not the main factor in a relationship, but it can become one if not looked after.

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I have watched a lot of those films too, sometimes it can be thrilling haha and you're right it's a Pandora's box and it's filled with many explanations that might even end up confusing a person. I think money definitely plays a huge role, some let under plays it, many others over play it, and there are probably so many other things involved that keeps things going.

Thanks again for the curation.


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Money can solve a lot of problems but I honestly don't know what women want. I haven't committed myself to anyone and it's weird to see them flip when the money isn't an issue anymore.


Hopefully, you get to commit yourself to one and probably you might get to write a post to say you've finally discovered it haha


I think this aspects of multifaceted proves that money can't solve is sometimes a big concern for wealthy people. You work hard to get all this money but then you realized there are numerous problems that money can't solve and now you have to look into different ways to confront and solve such problems. For me, I personally don't know what women want. On the surface, it may look simple but moving past beyond that, often reveals complexities that aren't easy to understand.


I also don't know what women want, but from previous history of experiences, I think women wants it all; perfection. However, the fact that we can never get perfection anywhere is why it's always difficult for some women to have their fantasies become reality


There are different classes of women this days, some do not mind wether you are ugly or not they are focused on what you're account can offer.

A young lady say that if you give her millions she doesn't mind what you decide to do with her body

Is that not madness, some woman have lost all morals just because they need money.
So sad.

I totally agree with the fact that money solves problem but it doesn't bring or buy peace of mind and true happiness.


Women don't even know what they really want 😂.
You can imagine that lady's guts 😂, well some women are just after the money nothing else.
It's sad when I see how they portray feminism on the Internet.
I saw one podcast some days ago where a man was talking about how money can solve all things.
He said, rich people don't have time for sex, they only have time for money. He has forgotten that sex is as important as money.


Feminism is wrongly portrayed, many people think it's being rude and arrogant, they forget that kindness and thoughtfulness can also be part of it. Money is good, but we often overestimate its abilities, as it cannot really solve all the problems like many people thinks.

As for that lady, I think it's just how some people can be.


Exactly, just more about being bad and bougie lol, and also rude at the same time. It's just annoying that they're passing this message to the younger generation.

Exactly!! Money just can't solve everything.

She deserved that rejection 😌... I would've been vexed if you gave her a chance 😂 thank God you didn't 😌
