The New Splinterlands Proposal: Flight Or Flee?


So the latest splinterlands proposal is out, 500k HBD to run things; basically, I believe this was inevitable, and I do not think it is a bad decision. I believe it is appropriate to assist a partner-in-liaison, but I feel compelled to express my thoughts on this matter.

I like to start with an allusion. So my Guild on Splinterlands has not been playing in about two weeks; I believe a Guild co-leader placed the Guild on "not-fit-to-compete". After a day, I received an invitation to join another guild, which was very tempting because my Guild was no longer participating in frays and our earnings had significantly decreased over time.

Maybe if it was who I was, I would have quickly jumped ship and moved on, but that would be an abrupt betrayal of my inviter, @CMPLXTY. It would be terrible of me; the guild gave me my first opportunity to participate and taught me everything I know; should I leave because of the additional SPS I could potentially earn from another guild? I had wanted to speak with him (@cmplxty) about how we could advance the guild, but I did not want to push it because I was a rankless member.

So, rather than throwing my ideas around, I believe that the guys at the top will eventually sort it out. @cmplxty eventually restores the Guild's competitiveness.

The CEO of Splinterlands has made a very good proposal, and I believe Hive should respond. I do not have an issue with how the proposal sounds; I have an issue with some of the Splinterlands players. Now I am on Twitter, and I see various SPS-maxis pleading with Splinterlands to leave Hive if they do not get the 500k, claiming that Hive is not the best chain for Splinterlands.




The mentality irritates me to no end. They make it appear as if Hive is the reason Splinterlands has been laid back, or that SPS is bleeding as a result of Hive.

Splinterlands itself made numerous mistakes, and I sometimes believe that these guys are not holding the game accountable enough, instead making it appear that running on another chain will simply solve the problems with Splinterlands.

The success of Splinterlands benefits Hive, and vice versa

Hive's reward system has benefited and served thousands of Splinterlands players, providing an additional source of income for those who have taken advantage of it over the years. I believe that the vast majority of Splinterlands players should acknowledge that running a web3 game is difficult and expensive, and that despite its years of success, Splinterlands has encountered some issues, but Hive is not the source of the problem.

Looking at the success of other chains and thinking, "SPS should be $2 if we are on x chain" is a delusional way of thinking.

I believe one of the reasons we have this problem is that the vast userbase of splinterlands has misappropriated information about Hive. Some of the guys simply see Hive as a chain that should provide engine oil for Splinterlands to run on. To some extent, Hive should, but I do not believe Splinterlands INC has made enough of an effort to educate these individuals about what Hive truly does and is.

Some of these guys do not understand the complexities of Blockchain. They simply look at the price and draw conclusions, that is all. Some of these people have a sizable Twitter following, and seeing them constantly criticize Hive for the flaws of Splinterlands is completely shallow.

This is one of the reasons I say I do not have any friends; when you need assistance or sustainability, the place you should go is where you have given support. It is why I do not ask for help from people I have not spoken with in a long time. Some people do this without shame. It is a symbiotic world; sometimes you do not give, and it is natural to feel ashamed when you ask in a place where you have not given.

There is simply no loyalty anywhere, and it is especially bad in Web3.

These guys think running or switching chains is the best way to get support to run splinterlands, it's absurd and it's absolutely terrible and I think splinterlands can do a better PR in terms of Hive when it comes to their vast majority of audience who are just maxis and nothing more.

Matt's proposal is not as threatening as many people think; I believe it is a last-ditch effort by a CEO who has thrown in a sensible card to salvage the game's excesses. I simply believe that the Hive is largely undermined in order to spare Spatterlands the necessary criticism.

Spare the rod and spoil the child

For example, @libertycrypto27 has repeatedly expressed his concerns about why Splinterlands is still delaying the decision to completely ban the bots. He is one of the most dedicated splinterlands investors/players I have ever seen, and he is been here as well, and there has not been a day when he believes Hive is slowing down splinterlands.

It is unfortunate that Hive is being threatened, and random guys are spilling information they do not even know, just because they believe the grass will be greener on the other side.

In Conclusion

I believe this proposal should pass, and I may vote for it. Splinterlands makes up an undeniable member of the Hive ecosystem and was a huge catalyst in the last bull run, and having not made a previous DHF proposal in the past, deserves one, if not for anything, but for the glorious days. However, I just feel that the PR of splinterlands INC needs to improve.

Splinterlands must begin to accept responsibility for its long-term failures. I play the game and have not sold any in-game assets because the price is dropping. The need for loyalty in the web3 space is critical, and it is not all about money.

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Switching chains may not fix Splinterlands' issues. Accountability and loyalty are more important for long-term success.


It may not fix it, but those guys are just talking as if it would, meanwhile it wouldn't. It was upsetting to read those comments.


very very unfortunate brother.. people have invested so much time and effort in this and this is what happens 💔


The success of Splinterlands benefits Hive, and vice versa

Completely agree my friend and if Splinterlands did not raise what it was supposed to, it was mainly because of many mistakes made by Splinterlands: bots, 9 million Chaos Legion packs etc. etc.

I am a Hive lover and a Splinterlands lover and I have already put my support to the proposal but I have also expressed my opinion in a comment about bots to yabapmats who I hope will finally make the right decision instead of thinking about non solutions like wild pass...


Nice post and great considerations my friend
!discovery 30
@tipu curate 2


I love splinterlands a lot too and same with Hive, I basically think that they should both complement themselves and nothing short. I have seen your comment on that post and I think it is was a great reply as well.

Hopefully splinterlands can look inwards and begin to change a lot of decisions.


It looks like a good proposal
I don’t know much about Splinterlands but I wish the players the best


Wishing you gamers the best. I tried learning how to play the game but it's seems it would be better if I used a system rather a cellphone, so I just had to wait till I join you guys.
Good luck on the new proposal.


I have never gone into any gaming, anywhere..., however what you saying here makes total sense, the two go hand in hand, both sides of the same coin.

Teething problems can be ironed out, Members from both sides should partake working together. Oh get rid of bots, always lead to problems!


Yeah, well I started getting into Hive gaming in early late 2021, and this post mostly talked about splinterlands and Hive and the latest proposal


I remember when it started, influx of new members was big, have not seen much talk of late except a few voicing concerns, always interesting to read why.


Yeah these concerns are mostly because the bear market is affecting a lot of things, including price.


They make it appear as if Hive is the reason Splinterlands has been laid back, or that SPS is bleeding as a result of Hive.

This is like having a bad marriage, and couples, before getting divorced, blame each other for whose fault was it... While both parties were responsible for their actions... The same goes for Splinterlands and HIVE... Nobody was pointing fingers when SPL had millions of income in the bull market...

Long story short, I think that this would be the appropriate moment to pull out the "decentralized" card on the table and leave this decision to the SPS stakers if Splinterlands wants to keep a decentralized game image... This shouldn't be Matt's decision, but the biggest stakers decision...

You and I could argue if something is good or bad, but if we want to move things in a decentralized world, we should have a bigger stake... If not, we can share our opinions, and not be angry if the "story" doesn't go in the direction we want... It should go where the biggest stakers (or majority) want... That's how it should work... :)

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You're right, having a voice and a stake can easily decide this. Decentralization makes it so, that the people with bigger stake have the bigger voice. In this case I actually think the blame games are just not good
As you've said no one was blaming Hive when SPS was booming in 2021,but simply saying splinterlands should rage quit is incredible saddening.

The proposal will eventually pass which is good, because we have more people who believe splinterlands needs to stay up. However it raises the question as to whether quitting will always come into mind when things aren't going well.

Thanks for the Curation


Phewwww this has to be the longest splinterlands post that I read and understood completely.

Quick question Jose
so the proposal is dependent on our votes we Hiveans right?


The proposal is dependent on the votes of those with enough stake to pass it, for example blocktrades.


I agree Splinterlands needs to own it's failings, because they are of their own making. I already voted for it because it is an important sector of Hive. But they need to put their house in order and not come back in six months asking for more money. Hive can't be their personal piggy bank every time something turns bad...


That's just it. Admit to these Mistakes over the years and not make it seem like Hive is 100% responsible just like these guys on Twitter thinks.
They just need to do better. I'm happy the proposal will pass eventually, because we truly need the game to come out of this trying times


I'm glad I don't hang out on Twitter and I don't see the messages regarding Hive. I hope the Hive community understands what's at stake. Those VCs on other chains don't pull Splinterlands in all directions because they see a corps. They see an asset. One with a history, which generally, they don't have. Hive should wake up!


Hive probably knows what at stake and that's why the splinterlands proposal will pass which I love. I think the biggest problem here is being decentralized. Hive is probably too decentralized and too much sugar sometimes can cause diabetes, if you know what I mean.

Overall I believe we need splinterlands as much as some of its success and sustenance can also be attributed to it.

I just feel that some of the things these guys say are just awful


Hive probably knows what at stake and that's why the splinterlands proposal will pass which I love.

It is still at around 50% of the minimum threshold to pass with a few days until funding starts (not that we haven't seen proposals being funded afterwards or dropping out of funding after a while). Big whales still haven't heard of it (it is possible!), they play hard to get, or simply they don't want to vote on it.

Hive is probably too decentralized and too much sugar sometimes can cause diabetes, if you know what I mean.

A vote from Blocktrades almost solves the problem, starting from this support level. And the discussion about decentralization.

Overall I believe we need splinterlands as much as some of its success and sustenance can also be attributed to it.

In my opinion, it's bad things got to this situation. Hive is partially to blame, despite Splinterlands management being awful on enough situations. Most Splinterlands whales that have no ties to Hive will keep pushing for the game to move away from Hive, to a place where there are more money. I'm not sure if this insistence can be resisted indefinitely. Some of them may be paid or have an interest to constantly push such a topic on the agenda (other than thinking their account would be worth more).

Luckily, this is not easy to do for a project that has a history behind, and Hive is still a great chain to run Splinterlands on. So, their only argument is money. Sometimes money is not enough. But we will see.


Most Splinterlands whales that have no ties to Hive

Which is probably wrong. I think a better PR from splinterlands might have gotten these guys to be involved with Hive. Imagine a few splinterlands whales being orcas, they might even have enough vote to pass the proposal to 50% and all that.
Being involved with the chain that runs your favourite project is a great thing, because of things like needing funding, I don't know if you understand.
It's should be more of a symbiotic relationship and this will foster sustainability.
The grass is not always greener on the other side and I hope they do realize this.


Azircon is a whale from the ones that are whales in Splinterlands and came via the game. It's a matter of aligned interests. Probably a few Splinterlands whales aren't interested in any blockchain (at the governance level). Only in the game and its economy. Of course, if Splinterlands would have gamified holding some HP too... But the more elements are added, the more complex things become, and more voices say it's complicated for newcomers, which it is.

Being involved with the chain that runs your favourite project is a great thing, because of things like needing funding, I don't know if you understand.

Sure I do. But maybe they have other plans, like to sway Splinterlands to move away.


I will vote for the proposal
Splinterlands on Hive blockchain is in my opinion the main factor of his success


I think both Hive and Splinterlands help each other. At the same time, I don't think Splinterlands will leave if the proposal fails. I support the proposal but I still think they need to make a final decision on the bots.


Many splinterlands maxis are pushing and being suggestive to the the game owners, saying the grass is probably greener elsewhere.


I'm pretty torn on this because I do love the Splinterlands game and community, but as you say many mistakes were made the last 2 years by the team, perticulary the bots issue.

They also don't say what they need the funding for? The proposal is very vague.


They haven't said what they need the funding for, but I'm guessing it's as a result of the market to giving enough money to keep the game running and also maybe for payment of the devs and more development, I'm guessing they'll do a post on it.
I do love splinterlands too, two wrongs don't make a right and I do hope the two parties gets to know this too..
