The Cost of Irresponsibility
The cost of living in Nigeria has recently risen, most likely due to the dramatic increase in petroleum prices over the last two to three days. The strangest part is that people have continued to live normal lives as if nothing had happened. People struggle to feed themselves and live decent lives because they can no longer afford it.
However, no one is saying anything, owing primarily to people's habit of suffering as a result of the actions of others. The average Nigerian is accustomed to pain, to being cheated and exploited, and, most importantly, to adapting to adversity.
Food & Alternatives
For example, if a piece of cucumber costs $1 and then rises to $2 for no apparent reason, and income remains constant, people seek out less desirable alternatives to fill the void; while this appears to be a wise decision on the surface, it actually lowers quality of life.
Nigerians are simultaneously the smartest and the most foolish people.
The ratio of foolish people to smart people is 1:1, so they cancel each other out. In the end, there is equilibrium. This is why you see so many brilliant Nigerians all over the world doing amazing things in different countries, and then you come to your country and see the ones who collect $5 to $10 tips to rig elections in favor of people with previous criminal records.
It is how the good ones balance out the bad ones. Consider the following scenario. People can sell family members for a taste of foreign whisky, just as they did during the slave trade. I believe that mentality and practice still exist; it has simply been modernized.
Everyone has moved on from voting for the wrong people, but the nation is suffering and people's quality of life has been significantly reduced as a result of the consequences of some people's actions. It is like a single person farting in a room full of people, causing everyone to suffer.
I have many things to complain about, but what do I know? People who speak out against the government are being stalked and killed; using Twitter to criticize politicians may make you a target, especially if a large number of people are seeing your posts.
A politician once proposed a bill that would punish people who criticize the government on social media with jail time. These people are attempting to make the constitution the nemesis of the common man, while making it their favorite book that allows them to profit handsomely from the nation's wealth.
You would think these guys would be loyal to the people who voted them in, but they only enrich their families and keep billions in offshore accounts to spend when they are no longer in power.
Politicians are wolves, but they will call you brothers and friends and even give you stipends if you vote for them. They will tell you that when they get into power, there will be more money to share with people; in fact, they will tell you that they worship the same God as you, and people will feel a sense of belonging.
It is heartbreaking to think that people fall for these lines, and that they give birth to children who, as adults, continue to fall for them.
People are no longer concerned about things that should concern them. I have seen people lose years of friendship because they support different politicians. It leaves you wondering. There are some things I see on social media that make me very concerned or alarmed, but I am always surprised by how indifferent people are.
Indifference breeds indifference..
and people will do things just for the sake of doing them, even if they shouldn't. No one understands the concept of loyalty anymore; people simply do what they want without thinking about the consequences, especially if they believe they will not be affected by the consequences of their actions.
Unfortunately, people do things that affect them equally out of ignorance, and then they make excuses. Ignorance is always used as an excuse for bad behavior, and this is exactly the situation in Nigeria and among its people.
For me, I keep hustling to survive for myself and my family. Apparently, the country would not improve, and there are terrible people who have ensured that things will only get worse from here.
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Playing The Survival Game: Human Nature In Introspection
"Un-PAYING" The Debt You Owe
Posted Using InLeo Alpha
The politicians always tend to be corrupt and they try to make it so that they and their friends maintain power/wealth. I don't blame you as we are all struggling to survive with all those managerial classes thinking that they know what is best.
The politicians here are the worst, and they tend to like recycling power like you've mentioned, so they can always have the same old people contesting for power
That is just wrong... It's crooked politician taking advantage of everyone. Governments that look to silence criticism is no longer a free society, it a dictatorship of politicians screwing over everyone else. And taking bribes to rig elections and selling off someone is slavery. I'm sorry to hear all that is happening over there...
That's what they do here. They actually silence people who are critical of their government by either sending them to jail and bringing the lawyers. It's no longer a free society, but it's all the fault of the common people. They're so in love with slave rulers, and it's why the country cannot move forward
The scary thing here is I see pushes from far left politicians trying to do the same. This country is no longer a free country like it used to be either. I don't even recognize my own country anymore, that's the scary part...
Very true bro, Nigerians are probably one of the most hardworking people I have encountered on my travels. In Dubai, I interacted with genuine hardworking Nigerians and also in Qatar. Back in Nairobi there are also good Nigerians working hard to earn their daily pay. It's no different in the UK, all Nigerians I have dealt with have proven to be true and doing their job correctly. A few bad apples should never spoil the name of a whole country.
Thank you for sharing and keep enjoying your week :}
You're right, I've met a lot of Nigerians too even if I haven't left the shores of this country. The bad ones will always make it hard for the good ones. I'm glad you've traveled to many places and met many of our people who are good people
Its so terrible brother, thats why Nigerians are among the best brains globally because the system naturally creates an exit door to go farm your skiils in greener pasture elsewere other than your motherland....
I sincerely gaveup when after the severe misery hardship brought upon us by tge previous administration, then someone in his or her right frame of mind will still stand under the sun, for hours having collected a thousand box, to vote against thier own conscience, knowing fully well that there is nothing worthwhile coming forth....
This people said give us Barnabas take jesus
Well, unfortunately I haven't had my way and God knows best. I would have left this country. Majority of Yorubas and Nausas have forced Tinubu down our throats and some days I just wake up and it hurts me. Like you've said, they've given us Barnabas a criminal and we're paying for the sins of bigots.
Their rewards will be paid to them as they've brought suffering on us.
Its a sad reality.....but then what can we do, the system is rigged
Joe, I couldn't stop laughing out loud on this statement but it's just the raw truth
I have been asking myself 1001 questions since two days ago after the announcement of the new fuel price causing the cost of things to suddenly rise higher more than the terrible prices it has been. I don't get it! What about the protest we did? Is this the result?
Now, my kids school called and said that the 240k transportation fee they sent earlier has become invalid due to the rise of the fuel price.. obviously, I may be paying like 300k only for transportation not to talk of the Almighty school fees increase as's sickening eziokwu!
And I am kinda scared of expressing myself on social media to avoid losing my
Naija which way 🤔
I use to say that I am not a fan of traveling outside but right now..if I have the resources..I am living biko
Transportation fee was actually the first to go up. I know that food and other items will follow. I'm only sad that the common people like you and I are suffering from the consequences of those who handed Tinubu the presidency.
I can't even express myself on social media, because I'm busy looking for what I and my family will eat.
By the time Tinubu finishes his tenure, I'm certain that people can no longer afford to feed. Maybe God be with his people and bless us with a bull run
I’ve been very angry for days cos think are crazily expensive. At some point, I was thinking I have spiritual problems because things are too expensive and I can’t even do all I want
One has to hold for one
They're too expensive, and with the current price of fuel, I'm afraid it's getting worse
They say Nigerians are the most patient set of humans.
I am just pitying the youth whose destinies have been toiled with through this processes. Spending close to 70% of earnings on food is wild, very wild.
I'm sorry to say that the Nigerian case is a hopeless one and it appears everyone is fed up, I am. People are hungry and are ready to do just about anything.
For me sha, I'm tired and I'm planning to japa... 😂
Yesterday I was scrolling through Instagram, i saw a video of a guy, calling out the government to see how the country is going, saying this is not what they promise to do.
Not until he said he was among the thugs that flogging people in the pollen units and snatched ballot boxes during the election ....
I got pissed immediately, he even has guts to come online and call on the government to come to his aid, anyways i guess carma has caught up with him, Now The Economy Is Flogging Him .