Is It Logical That You've Been Unlucky So Far?
I was checking Twitter for regular updates when I came across this guy's post. Apparently, he actively pursued a number of airdop ventures, including dePIN and other testnets, but was unsuccessful in all of them despite his best efforts.
Now what makes it even worse is that most of his counterparts bagged thousands of dollars and became pretty rich. He did everything there was to do, just like the others, but he was unlucky, and it appears that despite participating and showing up every day, he will not win this year.
This is one of life's most difficult realities, which we cannot explain. Man invented or designed the principle of causality. I agree that the majority of events have a reason for occurring, but I believe we fail to recognize that in many cases, events can occur without a corresponding reason and cannot be explained.
I believe this is where our brains begin to reach inexplicable limits. There are limits to how far we can go, but the extent to which we can go leads us to believe that there are always answers to all of the questions the universe throws at us.
It raises questions such as, "Why me?"
It can be anyone
It does not make sense to do everything right and not be rewarded for our efforts, or to fail in areas where we shouldn't. These questions do not always correlate.
It is like a diligent employee who has served a company for many years, and then the company decides to downsize, and suddenly the manager's cousin needs a slot in the company, and the diligent worker, despite their track record, is cut out, not because they are unimportant, but because the manager's cousin must have a slot at all costs.
Now the employee must be wondering, "Where did I go wrong?" But because they are not in the management system, they have no idea what schemes have worked against him. We are unaware of many things.
Life is happening concurrently in different dimensions that we are unaware of, and it has nothing to do with effort or impact; it is simply life.
Now we have no choice but to continue trying.
For a while now, I have been actively working behind the scenes to see if I can score a big win. It is not necessarily about money, but rather something uplifting after months of constant failure.
Perhaps it could health remission, Maybe it could be an offsetting of some of my financial responsibilities or a major relief from some of life troubles, but unfortunately I've not gotten anyone recently.
I have been reading a post on Hive by someone who talks about losing their job, most likely because the company was downsizing; in reality, they probably just want to create a sequence of content through this major job/financial experience or change, but in reality, that is how life is, and there is nothing truly special.
As humans, we may try to be empathetic and supportive, but most of the time, there are larger issues at play as to why these things occur, and we may never know, most likely because we are not supposed to know.
There are no prewritten guidelines for dealing with failure, loss, sadness, poverty, and prejudice; if there were, many people would be much more fulfilled, happier, healthier, and better off; instead, we are left as a race to "figure it out," which we sometimes can't, and we suffer as a result. During these periods of loss, we can either self-motivate or not.
There's probably reward for constantly "figuring it out" despite the odds against them. You hear people say "oh the doctor gave me 5 years to live, but look, it's been been 20 years". The reward for perseverance in the face of failure can change a specific outcome where the odds are high; sometimes it does not, but we must fight anyway.
Fighting To Win Always
In reality, most people are not willing to fight for nothing. If we can predict our future, we are more likely to fight harder or give up, because a certain outcome is inevitable. As a result, the course of humanity could be altered in a variety of unexpected ways.
The main reasons why mankind has made many advancement is so many difficult areas of telling is that we keep fighting even when failure is likely. My experiences over the last few years have taught me that we will most likely face major catastrophic events in our lives, either directly or indirectly, and that we will have no plausible explanations for why they occur.
It is simple; it may not be logical or reasonable simply because it is not intended to be, and that is all. In some times, we live in the "it can never be me" illusion and most of the times this courage comes with never having previously experienced "the issues" that might be common with others. No one is immune, sometimes it's just not our turn yet. This statement can be seen in a "positive" or "negative" light
Regardless of the odds, you must persevere. Whether you have a track record of failure or have not had as many successes as the average person, you must persevere.
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Luck is often a factor we consider when we can't explain something... like how can this guy be so successful? He must've been lucky. It's strange that when we think about our own luck, we don't contemplate as often how lucky we are, but how unlucky.
And in some cases it might be true. The universe may seem to have conspired against us, raising insurmountable obstacles in our path, while that doesn't happen for others. But who knows? Maybe the universe is trying to toughen us up and to see what we are made of when that happens. You know that saying: easy come, easy go. If we apply reverse logic, things that don't come easy, may be held on to much more carefully.
I agree. Perhaps we're experiencing some form of "toughening up". Perhaps it could be something different. In reality, I try to not ask these questions again. They just tend to drag one into endless thoughts and it can be fraustrating. However, I've come to the conclusion that we're not meant to know everything and some of the things we don't know will always be the "uncertainty" that'll always lurk with the shadows.
I fight every day, and nothing has ever come particularly easy to me. A lot of luck in life is just that, luck. You were in the right place at the right time. I remember actor Ernest Borgnine , who has since passed away, said that he never intended to be an actor. But got a part by just happening to be at the studio with his friend and had a long and successful career. Would that be nice to happen to me, sure! Wil it? No. Not because I'm not capable but I didn't have that kind of luck...
Why me? I hear that a lot. I struggle daily health wise but why say why me. It won't change anything. You do the best with what you got, and use your smarts to make good choices. Beyond that we have no control whatsoever...
Interesting analogy with that actor. I think some people have casual luck and then hit it big. I've had to fight a lot in life, fight in many ways and sometimes I realize that some people tend to have some of the things we try do hard to fight. To counterbalance it, some people might have it worse too, and it just happens that way.
In my lowest points, I've asked the "why me" question a lot of time, especially when I was tired and we give in to the fatigue and tiredness.
However, we'd just go on to realize that we either continue or not, and that's the harshness of life's realities
I can empathise with this a bit, as my brother and I had similar journeys into the blockchain. However, we got different airdrops, and sometimes, something quite little made the difference between thousands of dollars and hundreds. Nevertheless, if you keep trying, sooner or later, you will reach some results.
Even if that means making 100K Hive out of your stories of how you failed in many ways. My approach is that I enjoy failing as many times as needed, but never in the same way. This process is called learning. For a curious mind, there are always ways to spin it around in your favour. Heck, make a book about how you never got an airdrop. People will have fun reading it.
You're right, we can always make a cool story about why we failed and someone might just be interested in reading it. Probably because they have learned from it or because they can relate to it. However maybe there might not always be a way to spin it around, but there should probably be in some situations.
For you and your brother, I guess the wins and losses might have either discouraged one person and encouraged the other and vice versa. I think people not winning, makes them want to discontinue.
Actually, I calm down once I win, as the challenge is completed. When I am not, I look for better ways to do it again and again until I reach my target. To adapt quickly, this is a much needed skill.
I've mostly lost a lot, And I've not gotten any form of win that seems to match all that losses. In my own situation, it's mostly not about the money, it's about things that are bigger. However, I think you have a nice strategy..
Well, I tend to react emotionally, so most of the time I set steps and regular checks, to put myself in place. If I know I check that project every 7 days, get rewards, exchange in Hive, power up, then I tend to not check that progress so often.
Life is full of struggles and sometimes, bad luck just happens. I don't think there is much you can do about it, but learning from your mistakes is the key to moving forward. Sometimes, that can help offset some of the bad luck, but I do agree that relying on luck does suck. However, there are too many things we can't predict so we have no choice but to rely on it.
In the end there are too many things we don't know. The thing we probably can't predict, we don't have knowledge of. Because of the limitations of our knowledge we probably can't place a finger on a lot of things, and this makes the universe mysterious in many ways..
I read in a book, The Psychology of Money, that not all successes are because of hardwork and not all failures are because of laziness. Chance and luck pay a huge factor in whether we succeed or fail in a thing. The only thing we have to do is to try our best, to make sure our failures are not a result of our mistakes. Then even if we fail we will be at peace because we've tried our best. Life is complicated and there are any factors that determine success and failure. We can try another person's recipe for success but it may fail because we tried it under different circumstances or environments. Still, we have to do our best.
Life's complications is something I feel we don't have enough knowledge of. Sometimes we just make principles and laws and knowledges, but forget to factor the odds of the unknown. I think we only know what we know, and we cannot scratch the surface of what we don't. I think this is why we're humans afterall.
This is exactly what humans may want inorder to avoid unnecessary struggle that wouldn't yield any positive result, but it's just impossible. However, life is full of ups and downs, so no matter what we encounter, the goal should be to keep striving with positive mindset. I believe we can't continue to fail at all times... meanwhile giving up shouldn't be an option.
Life is complicated lol, and truthful it's good we don't have all the knowledge we need. Sometimes I feel that God just leaves us without these knowledges so that we can probably just come back to him for the things we cannot figure out.
Life isn’t always fair, but trying even when it’s hard makes you stronger. The reward might take time, but don’t give up. Keep going, you’ve got this, brother.
Indeed, trying despite any discouraging form of reality we're faced with.
Keep pushing bro and don't relent
Definitely! Thinking about the illogical aspects of life is where most of us humans struggle with. For me, it's always quite unsettling whenever I experience a streak of "unluckiness", like is this the end, what am I doing wrong or should I just keep pushing hard? Making a decision to go with the latter is equally hard, since it requires tapping from our inner resources that aren't always readily available.