who I follow on steem and why?


Hello, I have read about the contest "To whom I follow in Steem and why? In the user of @votovzla and I have decided to participate in both languages ​​(English and Spanish) thanking in each one three people who have made part of my walk inside and outside the Blockchain World, it is a bit complicated and there are beautiful friendships that I have been able to cultivate thanks to this ecosystem called steemit.

I like this type of competitions and what in one way or another brings us closer as individuals, being part of this type of trends in one way or another is a reflection and reflection tool, I hope to generate a smile to those mentioned in this publication!

Let us begin!!

Number 1:



lovely, isn't ?

Carrie has been part of my journey since my beggining on steemit, she's always with disposition to help me and she was one of my first English teachers! cause when I meet her my English was not so good, she is always supporting me in a way or another, I know she's always sending good vibes as I send mine's!
Number 2:



@Krystle was my first friend made on blockchain! she was judge from the old steemit openmic and she's super sweet with their judge post that she motivates me to be a better version of me, we shared a lot of photos and funny videos about kangaroos and macaws, I think she's one of my dearest friendship on blockchain, thank you for be my friend!!

Number 3:


I want to thank roger for being a friend who helped me a lot to grow as an artist, without his continuelly effort to understand my ideas and make a sintesis of it he is helping to achieve great productions on this side of the globe! like the production we recently have it about reggae culture!


I want to thank you for helping me manifest this concert and for being always available to had a chat with me, I know if we keep this vibe and track we would make great things!.


I follow who I want and you seem like a cool person so I'm going to hit the follow button and here is a vote!

Blaze it!!!

Posted via neoxian.city | The City of Neoxian


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Awe 🥰 JOSE! I love you too!
I was a little confused when you asked for a picture the other day. 🤣 But, honestly, I recently went through a bunch of your posts looking for pics of you. My intention is still to draw a cartoon of you, cause you are so full of happiness and expression! But... I've not been brave enough to start it yet.

Your English has gotten so much better in the last year(s)!

Thank you so much for highlighting me. 🥰


Nawww well that was super sweet and of course I missed it, so sorry my friend and yea I would agree you've definitely become one of my closest friends on chain over the years now. You've always been there for me, whether just a chat or helping me through personal issues or just for a laugh and some random animal pics <3
