Beautiful necklace with butterfly charm made with pearls, inspired by Noxic, holozing

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Hello to all members of this community #holozing, good evening, I hope you are well and have spent a nice day and now you are resting in the comfort of your home with your loved ones. Many blessings.


Today I want to show you how to make a beautiful pendant for a necklace in the shape of a butterfly made with pearls, inspired by NOXIC, character of holozing, I hope you like it.
This butterfly charm can be used by all women of any age. Especially those who like to always look fashionable. Noxic is a character that evolved in the holozing game.
With nothing more to say, let's get to the materials.


Materials needed for the realization of the beautiful necklace with butterfly charm inspired by Noxic:

  • White pearls, medium and small
  • Large pearls, light brown color.
  • Needles.
  • Tweezers.
  • 60 cm of continuous chain.
  • Transparent nylon thread.
  • 1 lock and two earrings.


Steps for the elaboration of the butterfly charm necklace, inspired by Noxic from the holozing game:

  • The first thing to do is, take the needle with the transparent nylon thread and thread it, now thread the needle, insert a big pearl, insert the thread from one side to the other inside the pearl, then insert another pearl and do the same, insert the needle from one side to the other.
  • Now we are going to make the wings, we introduce 12 small beads through the thread and place them close to the others. When we put all the beads in, we pull the thread so that they do not fall apart.
  • We do the same on the other side with 12 more pearls.
  • When we have the first two wings ready,
    we proceed to put another big brown pearl. In the center.
  • And one more. In total there would be 4 pearls.
  • We put 1 more pearl and on each side we put small pearls 22 . To make the wings bigger on both sides.
  • With the thread we get to the top and make the antennas, on each side we put 5 small beads and a medium one on top. And now we have the NOXIC butterfly ready, you saw how beautiful it was. I hope you like it as much as I do.





Here the final result of the Noxic butterfly charm




Thank you for reading and commenting on my post. I hope you like it , many blessings. The photos are mine , edited with incollage and translated with Deepl.


The pearls and pendant are an absolute delight. Bravo
