😋🍝Delicious pasta with pieces of chicken breast sautéed in onion and garlic.
Greetings to all the people who make life in this beautiful community, this time I want to share with all of you the preparation of a delicious pasta with pieces of chicken breast sauteed with onion and garlic, it is a very simple and easy recipe to prepare at lunchtime, I confess that it is very tasty, ideal for sharing with family.
Los ingredientes que utilicé:
Pechuga de pollo
Pasta corta
The ingredients I used:
Chicken breast
Short pasta
Como mencioné anteriormente es una receta muy fácil de hacer, lo primero que haremos es sonfreir la cebolla picada en cuadros pequeños junto con el ajo triturado. Los trozos de pechuga lo condimentamos con sal, pimienta, onoto y ajo en polvo, procedemos agregar los trozos de pechuga a sofrito, movemos y dejamos cocinar por unos minutos.
As I mentioned before it is a very easy recipe to make, the first thing we will do is to fry the onion chopped in small squares together with the crushed garlic. The pieces of breast are seasoned with salt, pepper, onoto and garlic powder, proceed to add the pieces of breast to fry, stir and let it cook for a few minutes.
En un olla ponemos a hervir agua con sal para cocinar nuestra pasta.
In a pot we put to boil water with salt to cook our pasta.
Ya cocinado los trazos de pechuga y la pasta procedemos a servir.
Once the pieces of breast and pasta are cooked, proceed to serve.
Nota: a la pasta le agregué una cucharada de salsa de tomate y una de mayonesa, eso lo dejo al gusto de cada persona.
Note: I added a spoonful of tomato sauce and a spoonful of mayonnaise to the pasta, I leave it to each person's taste.
Miren que apetitoso se ve y quedo muy sabroso.
Look how appetizing it looks and it is very tasty.
Todas las fotos fueron tomadas con mi teléfono Samsung A21s.
Para los collage utilicé GridArt.
All the pictures were taken with my Samsung A21s phone.
For the collages I used GridArt.