The sonification of the Laschamp event

The sonification of the Laschamp event

Before continuing, a clarification, a sonification is the transformation of a set of data into sounds, in the same way that we visually transform a set of data into graphs with curves, cut cakes, columns, etc., we can also do the same with sounds to transform that data. into a set of sounds and that's what you hear in the video.

The sonification heard is not what our ancestors heard during the Laschamp event, in fact, the event did not produce any audible sounds from the surface of the Earth, I say from the surface because at high altitudes about 70 km high they could be heard. The strange sounds that some auroras produce are said to be similar to the clicking of static electricity or walking on dry leaves.

The Laschamp event is undoubtedly one of the most terrifying natural events that the earth has suffered in its transformation process, it is the famous inversion of the poles, in simple words the north pole is now the south, and vice versa; This reversal did not occur overnight, it lasted several centuries, and during this process the protective magnetic field was reduced in various parts of the planet, reaching a minimum of 5%, which meant that the cosmic rays reached the surface. of the earth.

And during this loss of the Earth's magnetic field, auroras must have been a frequent phenomenon and not only near the poles but throughout the planet. Furthermore, if our ancestors had been able to have electronic equipment, they would have been able to capture the impressive sound of cosmic rays and wind. solar arrived.

Indeed, in space it would not be sound as we know it, since what we hear with our ears is a vibration in a medium, be it air or water, what electronic equipment captures is radiation and that radiation is interpreted. into sounds, that happens constantly, it is not something strange what our radio, our telephones, mobile phones, television do, what they do is capture the spectrum corresponding to the electromagnetic radiation of the radio, television or telephone broadcast and then our equipment transforms that electromagnetic signal in image and sound, the same can be done with the radiation that reaches us from the Cosmos.

What you hear in the video is the sonification created with all the data we have from the Laschamp event thanks to the Swarm mission of the European space agency along with numerous other sources that these researchers have collected, since the sonifications are the work of the scientists from the Technical University of Denmark and the German Geosciences Research Center.

If a similar event were to occur again and reach 28% protection, it would expose all planetary life to dangerously harmful levels of cosmic radiation, destroy electrical and satellite networks, and burn up every electronic gadget on Earth, the main event Laschamp's was much worse, he lowered the protection to only 5%.

In short, it would be an apocalypse of our civilization and also an apocalypse framed with skies as if on fire, red skies and other bright colors due to the spectacular auroras that could be seen every night and throughout the planet, the earth would look like to a lifeless wasteland, and the few surviving humans sheltered underground for at least two or three centuries.

It is important to study these phenomena and what happened in the past, because in nature nothing happens just by itself, so if we can detect the signs that announce an event of this type, we could have a margin of time to take measures and reduce damage or even create an artificial magnetosphere.

An artificial magnetosphere can be created, in 2017 Dr. Jim Green and his team of NASA experts proposed the construction of a high-power magnetic dipole at the Martian Lagrange 1 point, the idea was to create an artificial magnetosphere for Mars, since that Mars lacks it and having one would be essential to begin its colonization in the future.

An artificial magnetosphere could be made for the Earth with the Earth larger than Mars, well yes, it would not be easy, it would not be cheap and I am not saying that it is necessary to start building one now, but at least it would be good to develop plans so that in In case of emergency we could get to work.

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