My operating system is free.


My operating system is free..

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Hello everyone, my phone is a Samsung Galaxy 4 and it has an Android operating system, it was a gift from my brother since mine was in its last days, it was his since he bought a more recent one, at first it behaved very well , but with the automatic updates of some programs it is becoming obsolete.

This is the same as always with regard to technology, it always uses what is called in the industry planned obsolescence, this also happens with computers, companies send "updates" so that your system or application and your phone are "better", but it is the opposite, they become slower or it does not work and you have the need to buy another device.

Message Displayed.

In my case, the WhatsApp application worked perfectly, several things were updated and it stopped merging; Initially it happened to me with the twitter application, it worked perfectly and for a while it began to fail to such an extent that I uninstalled it, the last application that stopped working was YouTube.

I do not have any reference regarding the iOS operating system, because I have not had any device that uses it, I imagine that because it is from a company as prestigious as Apple it will have better performance and better assistance in updates, but all that is paid and very expensive from what I hear.

The version of my Android

It has always been known that the Android system is freely accessible and is an open operating system that gives the possibility to be modified by users and gives unparalleled freedom to developers, this is partly good, but in truth ordinary people they're not going to be making changes to the software to improve it, because they don't know how, or because they just want a phone that works for them when they need it most.

A secondary screen

But for those who have the knowledge or the desire, the Android system gives you complete freedom to create an application, this leads to the birth of thousands of applications available for phones and many of them are free, nothing to do with iOS.

Various applications Free

What I like about open operating systems is the freedom to install apps, Android gives me complete freedom to install whatever I want, either from its PlayStores or from an apk attachment (always with the fear that it could be a virus and steal something from you) without forcing me to install something I don't want.

People will always want freedom, that is why there are many more devices with this operating system than with iOS, this gives a greater variety when it comes to acquiring a new cell phone or device, when possible.

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! The truth will set us free and science is the closest to the truth!
