Cloud bombardment


Cloud bombardment

Image created by me in playgroundai

Bombardment of clouds to cause rain, as well as solar geoengineering work. Under the same principle, a compound is released into the atmosphere whose particles will serve as a surface for gaseous water in the air to condense into its liquid form.

In the case of solar geoengineering, this is done at high altitudes to form clouds that reflect sunlight and supposedly lower temperatures, helping to lessen the effects of climate change.

In the case of cloud bombardment to cause rain, the compound is sprayed on clouds much lower and that already have the potential to produce rain, causing enough water to accumulate in the raindroplets to make them fall under their own weight, in theory not only does more water fall, but it falls sooner.

Souce First cloud formation experiment

Cloud bombardment is nothing new, in fact, the first experiment ever done was in 1946, dropping 2.5 kilograms of frozen carbon dioxide, also known as dry, crushed ice, onto clouds in rural New York state. In the United States, a way was sought to reduce the hail fall and the violence of Atlantic hurricanes.

The theory was that spraying cloud-stimulating compounds in the area around the eye would dissipate its energy outward, increasing the size of the eye as winds slowed. For several decades the United States experimented with Atlantic hurricanes without conclusive results. In other words, the bombardment of clouds did not seem to have a significant enough effect to ensure that it worked, but when the storms affected a population in the United States and Cuba, people criticized these practices very severely, believing that the hurricanes had reached their population because of of these experiments.

Souce Vargas tragedy, due to heavy rains

To avoid having conflicts with the people in 1976, the United States tried to take its experiments to the island of One, an island in the Pacific near Asia that is US territory, but when China found out about this, its leader said no and the bombing project of clouds in One was cancelled, just as the United States had already experimented in foreign territory, how strange; during the vietnam war in operation Popeye they bombed the clouds over cambodia laos and vietnam to try to lengthen the duration of the monsoon on the xochimin route hurting the supply chain of the north vietnam army with the incessant rain.

It was reported that this operation was successful, increasing between 30 and 45 days the rains in various regions, just as the United States lost, according to this secret operation, the bombardment of clouds worked, but other studies carried out in the United States and other parts of the world have always yielded unsuccessful results. conclusive and it is that it cannot be verified that when bombarding clouds the rain that falls is because of the bombardment or the rain that was going to fall in any way.

There is no way to quantify what the increase in rainfall is in experiments outside of the laboratory, the atmosphere is too complex to know all the variables and know how much they affect these experiments, but this has not stopped many countries from trying again and again. , without evaluating the true effects on the environment.


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