AI, another evolutionary filter that humanity must overcome
AI, another evolutionary filter that humanity must overcome
How far can AI go, it is an almost silent revolution that is happening now, a revolution because they hardly appear in the media and it is something that is going to change our world radically.
A preview of all this was in February of this year, the Chinese army published the result of a test where an artificial intelligence had managed to defeat a human pilot in a real training combat, it also crushed him, the artificial intelligence was a resounding victory did not award a single point to this pilot and not only China, a few years earlier in the United States in 2020 they did a similar test and Artificial Intelligence defeated the fighter pilots, specifically with a score of 5 to 0, so inside soon we will see artificial intelligence in all weapons.
AI can be one of the great evolutionary filters, these filters are moments where evolution tests life, mass extinctions are great filters, but there were also filters such as when the Earth's atmosphere changed from being basically CO2, to having oxygen in abundance, that was another great filter or when life passed from unicellular life to multicellular life.
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